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Santa x duolingo

Written by YohoKaleidoscope

Santa flung himself onto his couch, his troublemaker elf Noel had been recently sent out on a mission so he was stuck with no entertainment "Ho Ho Ho..What will I do since that troublemaker isn't around"

Santa sighed stroking his long white beard. He turned to his desk where his phone lay "perhaps I could..learn to speak Spanish?" Santa thought standing up going to his desk and grabbing his phone. He turned on the phone and downloaded duolingo and waiting for it to download he went to grab some cookies "That owl mascot of theirs is mighty attractive" Santa thought to himself as he took some cookies out of a jar.

When Santa got back to his office he checked his phone where duolingo had fully downloaded, Santa opened the app and began to learn

Hours went by and as Santa learnt about Spanish he also learnt more about the owl mascot, and the more he learnt the more his attraction grew, until one day Santa decided to pay the owl a visit...with his magic take me inside an app machine

Inside the app Santa looked around where there were piles on piles of different textbooks for different languages, Farsi,Spanish, Whatever the fuck language the Italians spoke, and there in the middle of it all was the duolingo owl. "Hello Santa" the owl smiled at him, his green feathers glistened in the strange light all around the app "how do you know my name?" Santa asked "I've been watching you, like you do, I see you when you're sleeping I know when you're awake" the owl approached Santa and took his hands in his wings "I know when you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake"

Santa felt his face flush a deep candy cane red "Oh my, really? Then you must know why I'm here birdy.." Santa purred like a cat observing it's pray "Indeed I do, Cookie man" Santa and the duolingo owl stared deep into each other's eyes, basking in each other's presence. The duolingo owl wrapped his green feathery wings around Santa and lifted the old crusty man up "come now!" "That's what she said" Santa laughed as he was carried away to the duolingo owl's room

The end 









Captains report: 

Yoho everyone! Been awhile huh? Hope you felt pain reading this!!!

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