Angelic Enchantment

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You were outside of the manor with Lera where you see Nyx with Bombproof.

"I don't remember Bombproof giving Nyx company. You told me she doesn't have any romantic interest on demonic Hell horses." you mentioned.

"I know, but I just wanted Nyx to make horse acquaintances here in Hell." replied Lera.

She then took out an ordinary knife, its blade was colored red.

"You don't have to do it if you're not ready." she mentioned.

"I'm ready. No pain... No gain..."

Lera then gave the knife to you.

"I hope you do remember the spell."

"I do remember..." you replied as you took a deep breath.

You closed your eyes and chant a spell that was in Latin.* You covered the blade of the knife with your other hand.

*(A/n) The spell is in Latin used with Google Translate.

Lucem voco mihi ad faciendum benedictionem ordinationis... (I call the light unto me to douse the blessing on the ordinance...)

A priscis daemonibus immortales, inextinguibilem necant. (From ancient demons' immortal, kill the one that is unkillable.)

De coelis coelitus pono peccatum meum et sanctum carbo in cute notam. (From the heavenly skies, I place my sin and brand the holy coal on my skin.)

In nomine Domini... pereat autocratia Inferni. (In the name of the Lord... may the autocracy of Hell perish.)

When you said this incantation, the white glowing light appeared on the blade. But as you performed this, you noticed white veins appearing on your forearms and felt a painful reaction. But nevertheless, you endured it as you kept going.

And finally, the progression of dousing the blessing onto the knife was done. You panted and collapsed on your knees.

Lera then held onto you so you won't fall to the ground.

"Did I...?" you asked your mom about your result of your enchantment on the knife.

"See for yourself." she replied

You looked down at the red-colored knife, now with white angelic designs. Its blade had completely turned white. You smiled.

"Not bad..." you felt exhausted and suddenly passed out.

Little did you know as you went unconscious was that Striker witnessed everything. He narrowed his eyes as he walked away.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now