Chapter 2: new friends (edited)

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Aaliyah pov:

I woke up to my phone ringing. I smiled to myself remembering the boy from the night before. "Hello" I say hoping Ray was on the other end or the line "Hey Liyah it's Ray, I wanted to know if you wanna hang out with me and my friend at Motoz?" he asked "Sure, when should I come?" I said with a smile "now's fine" he tells me "Ok I'll see you in a few minutes" I said with a giggle before hanging up the phone and started getting ready make up, hair, out fit. "Liyah? I haven't heard that since I was a kid" I said to myself with. A small chuckle

 A small chuckle

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I walked down the stairs slowly hoping my parents were at work. Thankfully they were, I grabbed the skateboard that my brother had gave me he's also the one who taught me how to skate. Words can't describe how much I miss him. Not one minute can go passed without me thinking about him. But even when I do get my mind off of him he's always in the back of my brain.

After a few minutes of skating I pulled up to the shop. I walked inside and saw a blonde boy behind the counter "Ay what Yo fine ass in here for" he said winking at me with a big smile "actually I was looking for Ray, is he here?" I asked "yea he's in the bathroom, you could sit on the couch" he's says pointing to a couch with a boy with a buzz cut and a boy with a camera. I say down next to the one holding a camera and smiled at both of them "Hi I'm Aaliyah" I said talking to everyone "Im fuckshit" the boy behind the counter said "that Ruben" he stated pointing at the buzz cut kid who just looked up "and that's fourth-grade" he said pointing to the guy next to me who gave me a nice wave and smile "nice to meet you guys"  I said with a smile. Just then Ray came out of the bathroom "You came!" He said with a smile and sat next to me I just gave him a big smile "yall trynna go skate" fuckshit says "Yea,Aaliyah do you skate?" Ray asked "yea my brother taught me" I said with a smile "Oh I ain't know you had a brother, he could come to" Ray says smiling my smile faded and I just looked down and grabbed my board. That memory again. The one that won't leave.

3rd person:
Everyone could see something was wrong with the girl everyone knew to not bring it up again. So they didn't they just grabbed their boards and skated down the highway. After about 25 minutes of skating they passed up a taco shop. "Do you guys want tacos I'll pay for everything" Aaliyah said smiling pulling out her wallet to reveal a good amount of $100s & $20s. She had alot of money, it was a plus side from coming from a wealthy family. The girl would always tell herself that she has it good and that even though her dad is abusive that it could always be worse so she needs to suck it up. I mean her life wasn't terrible she could buy whatever she wanted.

"Can you pass me a napkin" Aaliyah said pointing at fuckshit "yo why this whole time since I've met you you ain't my name" fuckshit asked her while biting into his taco, she didn't think he would realize "oh umm... I don't curse" she said looking around to she every one at the table with wide eyes and dropped jaws

"You gotta be lying" Fuckshit said "yeah everyone curses" Ray added "I'm not lying, my parents don't allow it" she said a little embarrassed looking down playing with her nails "are your parents here? Who gives a fuck what there parents say anyway?" Ruben asked the girl, "well I also never felt a need for it, they don't allow me anything though I can't have a boyfriend, can't drink, party, smoke, curse non of it and I haven't" she told the boys around her "Weren't you smoking last night?" Ray asked her hesitantly "I was my first time I had ever done something like that before" she replied while looking back down to her nails, "your parents sound lammeee" fuckshit said making the girl giggle "yeah I guess they could be"


When they were done eating they got back on there boards and skated around the town in wasn't till the girl sat down to catch her breath that she noticed the darkened sky before her eyes. That made the girls heart drop, that gut feeling that you can't shake off. She knew what was waiting, but if she didn't go now it would be worse later. "I...I umm I have to go, it was nice hanging out with you guys" Y/n said waving trying to put a smile on her face "Can we hang out tomorrow to" Ray said with a smile "Of course see you guys tomorrow" she said smiling.

The smile ended as she skated home as fast as she could hoping he wasn't waiting for her. But as she made it up the street she saw the car in the drive was and the lights on within the house. She slowly opened that door and saw her dad waiting for her with a beer bottle in hand "Where were you" he told her in a stern low voice "I'm...I'm so so sorry, I was skating around the neighborhood and got caught up" she explained to the angry tall man infront of her, "OOOOOHHHH SO ITS THIS STUPID BOARD" he yelled snatching the board that was once her brothers and stopping on it breaking it in half, "WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" she said as anger had taken over the girl and made her immediately wanna take it back as she felt the glass bottle break on her head cutting her cheek. After that her body was over taken by pain the girl was waiting for someone to hear her screams of pain, no one ever did, if they did they ignored it, he always beat the girl and her mom did nothing about it. He didn't beat her mom just her. It made her think it was something wrong with herself, she would come to the conclusion that it was her fault, that she deserved it, that she wasn't a good daughter.

The girl laid on the floor in her own blood gaining for the strength to get up. Once she got up she made her way to the bathroom, looking in the mirror at her cut face, she locked the door and turned on the shower, stripping her clothes her eyes met her body, the bruises forming. The girl opened the cabinet and got the disinfectant and began to clean her wound. She stepped in to the boiling hot shower and began her night routine.

Once the alluring girl was done with her routine, she quietly made her way to her room in fear of waking up her father. She laid down on her king sized bed with a blank expression. She was used to the abuse. She was in pain obviously but she was used to it she would just push through it like she always does.

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