chapter 3 heroes will

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( unknown location)

Issei along with a black haired boy with gray eyes accompanied by a black dog was heading towards the hideout of khaos brigade.

Issei: seems were almost near their base tobio-san.

He looks at the black haired boy who was now known as tobio to nod his head.

Tobio: yes but let's be warry of our surroundings.

Issei: yeah....

They continued towards their destination then issei had another thing to say.

Issei: you know it's hard to believe you were one of the few people to push Valery into juggernaut drive.

Tobio scratched the side of his cheek with a nervous smile.

Tobio: so she told you that?

Issei: nah Azazel told me about that.

Tobio smiled at that reply then after a few more minutes of walking they come across a giant castle with two guard's infront of its entrance then issei looks at tobio.

Issei: I will distract those guards while you stand by here okay?

Tobio nodded his head making issei to nod as well then he walked towards the guards who saw issei and became vigilant.

Guard: state your business here!

Issei didn't respond and just charged at the two guard's and grabbed their necks and slammed both at the door destroying the door in the process then suddenly a bunch of guards came rushing at issei's location so he fired multiple dragon shots at the guards.

Issei: seems things are a bit more exciting now.

Suddenly he was tackled to his side sending him to a nearby wall he looks at the person who tackled him and saw Heracles and Siegfried.

Heracles: pretty bold of you to do this Sekiryuutei?

Issei came out the wall he crashed and wiped his mouth with his hand as he was looking at his new opponents.

Issei: well it's the best way to get you all here.

He said confusing Heracles and Siegfried when suddenly they realized something.

Heracles: Don't tell us...

Issei: *smirk* that's right I'm not your opponent I'm just a distraction.

When he said that both Heracles and Siegfried was about to go to the dungeons when suddenly they're path was blocked by flames they turned their heads and saw issei pointing his palm forward while on his other hand was ascalon.

Issei: now let's have some fun!

Issei charge's at Heracles and Siegfried making the two members of hero faction to be on guard.

Heracles: balance breaker!

Heracles shouted as missiles and shoulder guards appeared on him while Siegfried activated his sacred gear and pointed his six swords at issei making issei to smirk.

Issei: that's more like it! Hahahaha!

Issei said as he was laughing like he lost his mind scaring Heracles and Siegfried a bit.

As issei was clashing with Heracles and Siegfried tobio was sneaking through the shadows as he was approaching where valery was being kept then after a few minutes of running he stopped on the dungeons and felt a familiar presence inside he kicked the door and inside was Valery being chained up on the wall Valery looks at tobio with a tired look.

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