chapter 6 red dragon's side story

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( Unknown location)

A portal appeared and out came issei with his hands on his pockets as he went out the portal closed behind him he began inspecting the area when he felt two presence behind him he turned around and saw two being's that made him raised a single eyebrow.

Issei: did not expect to see you two of all people here indra - looks at the other person - shiva.

Indra: heh so you came back but to which world?

Issei: a world far beyond your reach but that question aside where am I?

Shiva: your in the hindu faction.

Issei: well crap I guess its only logical that you two would be here.

Indra: yeah but that aside mind telling us what happened to you red dragon?

Issei: well now guess some other God's who are said to be powerhouse was not all knowing in the end?

Indra: you trying to pick a fight punk? - he said with an irritated tone.

Issei: hoh? And if its a fight you want then let's get it over with because this little bird won't sing that easily.

Shiva: wait let me join in as well.

Issei: hey hey isn't this a bit unfair considering that you two are on a league of your own?

Shiva: for you yes but I think that's a lie considering that I'm sensing a familiar power in you and I can't access your thoughts.

Indra: and your future that I'm seeing is a bit whacky like it's unpredictable.

Issei: hmm then are we gonna continue to chat or are we gonna fight!

Suddenly shiva and indra charge's at issei who also followed what they were doing when they close the gap both shiva and indra was about to give issei a punch when he ducked and grabbed the two Hindu God's face and lifted them up then slammed them down to the ground and began dragging them and rushed towards a nearby mountain then suddenly issei threw the two God's on the mountain close by and a loud explosion was seen when the two God's landed on the mountain which was crumbling from the two God's who got up from the ground and looks at issei with absolute shock.

Indra: how is this possible!

Shiva: indeed... Even though we can see the future he was still able to change the outcome...

Issei suddenly appeared infront of the two God's and had a serious look on his face.

Issei: you two only see a certain future infront of you but you can't see the possibilities of a new one heading towards you can't you?

Indra spat blood to the side and looks at issei with a serious look and a battle hungry grin on his face which made issei to raise an eyebrow.

Indra: that might be the case and you damaging us this early in the fight means you're not pulling any punches back huh?

Issei: guess you already knew about my style huh? Well now let's finish this then!

He grabbed both Shiva and Indra's faces and threw the two Hindu Gods in the sky then suddenly issei appeared above them and made an energy ball on both his hands and threw it at the two God's who were still processing what's been happening though before they realized it they were hit by the energy balls and was sent down towards the ground and a loud explosion appeared followed by smoke after a couple of minutes the smoke cleared revealing the two God's inside a giant crater.

Indra: uhh...

He got up with shiva next to him he held his head and looks at issei who had his hand up with a giant energy orb above him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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