Knockout X Breakdown

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Bumblebee: *throws a blanket over Raf* Think of the kids and their innocent minds. That is a very suggestive position. We already had an attempt by Megatron. How many will there be?

Raf: *from under the blanket* I didn't see anything and it's dark in here.

Shadowblade: *shrugs then checks her clipboard* Oh, about 3-5 more photo's.

*Bumblebee shrieks and runs out of the room with Raf. Raf being still in the blanket*

Smokescreen: Innocence aside. I ship it.

*All the Cybertronian's are nodding there helms in agreeance*

Shadowblade: I really need to fill out this chapter, so could we get individual responses. Starting with the bots. Optimus, you're up first.

Optimus: I thought they were already in a relationship. Is that not so?

*Knockout and Breakdown have been staring at the photo, intakes open, ever since the chapter started*

Ratchet: I thought so too. They both show signs of mating and have elevated...

Knockout: *having come out of his daze and hearing what Ratchet is saying* Okay, Ratchet. Thank you very much for that medical insight. Let's move on to the next bot.

Miko: *whispering to Shadowblade* That was essentially a confession, right.

*Shadowblade nods*

Ultra Magnus: I had not met Breakdown, so can I skip?

Shadowblade: Smokey managed just fine, but *shrugs* I guess you can. Just this once.

*Ultra Magnus is silently rejoicing*

Arcee: I agree with Destiny's Child. I ship these two. I mean, have you ever seen one without the other, other than when Megatron orders them apart. 

Wheeljack: Now, that really is a ship I can get behind. Right, Bulk. 

Bulkhead: *nodding at Wheeljack and then turning to nudge Breakdown* I knew you and DocKnock were close, but I didn't know you'd gotten this cosy.

*Wheeljack hoots with laughter in the background. Breakdown glares at Bulkhead and goes to speak, but is interrupted by Shadowblade*

Shadowblade: *talking before Breakdown can* Nuh uh. You and Knockout can state your case at the end. Let's go to cons, then humans, then the couple in question.

Megatron: I have to send Breakdown on a mission and tell Knockout, very forcefully, not to go as well. Just to separate them. Seriously, they stick to each other like scraplet's on metal.

Starscream: *shrieks then looks around fearfully* SCRAPLETS?!

*Everyone turns to look at him as he starts to mumble incoherently. They then all turn to look at Shadowblade*

Shadowblade: Ignore him. This is just what happens when you mess with me. Let it be a lesson and serve as a reminder. This, and the Megatron incident.

*Megatron shudders involuntarily and everyone moves slightly away from Shadowblade*

Shockwave: I calculate a 98% probability.

Knockout: That we're compatible?

Shockwave: No, that you're already sparkmates.

*Knockout and Breakdown go pale*

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