Preference #4: Your Teenage Daughter Gets Pregnant By One Of The Other Boys Son

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Louis: Yours and Louis' daughter cassie is 16 almost 17 and is dating Liam's son andy theyve been together for a year now and she told you the other day that she was 1 month pregnant. She didnt want to tell louis yet because she was really scared what he would think and she said andy didnt tell his family yet but they the other boys oldest kids and the ones that were a bit younger then them and the ones that were their age. Andy's 19 hes got a great job and we would always support them too. I was sitting in her room on her bed with her and talking about things " you need to tell daddy soon cas" i said " i dont want him to be mad at me though mum" " he'll be a lot more madder if you dont tell him right away" i told her she nodded her head and said " ill invite andy over for dinner and me and him can tell daddy together" " how about you dont invite andy over knowing your father i wouldnt do that, you just tell him over dinner and ill help you if you need it. Okay" she nodded her head yes and i left the room

*4 hours later*

i had made dinner and was just settting the table and getting the plates ready for all 6 of the tomlinson kids. " DINNER'S READY" i heard feet running down the stairs and all the kids took their usual seats, louis came in and kissed me and sat in his seat and so did I. We had small conversations about the kids days at school and what not. Cassie looked down and played with her food quite a bit through the whole dinner " cassie, baby girl whats wrong?" louis asked " nothing daddy im fine" she said looking at him " then why havent you touched your food? Thats not like you" he asked looking at her and setting his fork and knife down. I looked at her and at the rest of the kids who were obviously listening but continued eating and looked at their plates. " Im just not feeling the greatest right now daddy, thats all" she said " oh do you have a tummy ache baby girl" he asked looking sad that something was wrong with his little girl, " yeah you could say that" she said just above a whisper. Louis looked confused and turned to face me and i shrugged, he looked back at her and i gave her a reassuring nod. Cassie took a deep breath and looked louis in the eyes " daddy im pregnant and andys the father" she sad proudly i smiled at her and louis mad " andy payne " he asked " yes daddy. i know im young but me and andy are taking full responsability for this and we wanna keep the baby" she said " kids put your dishes in the sink and rinse them off and go play in your rooms" they did as so and i stacked them properly in the sink along with mine, lou's and cas' . Louis paced the room " im really upset with you right now cassie but im not mad, i dont like the age for it right now but i trust you both and ill support you okay" he said, she ran to him and hugged him tight she started crying and said " thank you so much daddy i love you, always remember your my number one" " i love you too baby girl, i love you too" Just then the doorbell rang and louis went to go get it and it was liam and his son andy " did hear yet? " liam asked louis " yes i did and me and Y/N are going to support both of them" lou said " " us too" liam said reffuring to him and his wife. I smiled they talked for another five mintues then they both left and cassie went up to her room. I walked over to lou and wrapped my arms around his torse " im so proud of you lou, you handled that better than i thought you would have" i said with a little laugh, he laughed and kissed me and said " im just that ful of surprise's" we laughed and kissed again.

Harry: I was making breakfast and my two youngest boys were helping me and Harry had come in to the kitchen fully dressed and about ready to go to work really soon. He came in and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck then my lips " morning gorgeous" he said " morning haz " I said. Me and the boys finished up breakfast and I called the kids down. Our other son and youngest daughter came down and Darcy our oldest daughter came down looking really sick. Our oldest child Hayden had moved out a couple years ago to live with his now fiancée Brielle Horan and their son. "Darcy honey are you feeling alright " I asked " no mommy my stomach is killing me " I put my hand on her forehead " your not warm, Harry come feel her forehead and see if it's warm to you" I asked him he got up and kissed her forehead " no it's not warm Y/N do you think we should take her to the doctors today. I could call in" " no Harry I'll take her you go to work and we'll come see you after the opponent okay " okay babe I love you " he kissed me on the lips " love you too" he kissed Darcy's head and said " I love you baby girl get better. " " I love you too daddy. " she said hugging him he took the kids to school and made his way to work. While I cleaned up the kitchen darce went to get ready so we could go to be doctors. When we got there we Waited in the waiting room till her name was called. " Darcy Styles" we walked in to the room we we're assigned to be in and waited for the doctor. He came in a sat down in the chair. " so what is the problem today Darcy" " well the last couple of weeks I haven't been feeling the greatest and today it just got worse. I throw up all the time and get nauseous." She said. I recognized all those symptoms. Since I've had them five times. (My youngest daughter and son are twins so thus why only five times. cause i have 6 kids 4 boys and 2 girls) " are you sexually active Darcy?" The doctor asked " yes I am. What does that have to do with me being sick ?" She said. I was surprised she is. She's only sixteen Harry's go to freak out. " I'm going to run some test and do an ultra sound okay." " no mommy I can't let them take blood from me. I need daddy here to hold my hand. Please mum don't let them do it." She clung on to me. " is there any other way to do it. Can't we just do the ultra sound" " yes we can just do that considering I might already know what it is. " Darcy laid back and lifted up her shirt like the doctor said he did the ultra sound and looked for about 5 minutes. " just what I thought. Your pregnant Darcy 3 weeks along". We left the doctors and she was crying the whole way to the studio. We went in and saw that zayns oldest son Kaiden who's 18 now. He looked right at Darcy, all the boys saw us come in and Darcy ran right to Harry. All the boys watching and listening " daddy I'm so sorry" " for what baby girl " " I've disappointed you and mum. And now your both gonna disown me and hate me. " she sobbed in to his Chest. " we would never do that Darcy we love you so much. What happened at the doctors tell me." She looked in his eyes and said " please don't get mad daddy " " I won't" " I'm pregnant" she said. He tensed up at her words " i didn't even know you had a boyfriend darce" " that's cause I knew you wouldn't want me to date any guy. So I kept it from you and mum. " " for how long Darcy " i asked " we've been dating a year and half now." Harry let go of her and paced the room " your sixteen for god sakes darce " " I know daddy. I didn't plan this. I'm sorry I told you you would disown me." She said she ran in to my arms. " i'm not disowning you darce. But your sixteen. " " Harry that's enough. You don't need to talk to her like that " " LIKE WHAT Y/N " " like your disowning your own daughter Harry your own blood. That's how your talking to her. What she's going through right now isn't the easiest " I said " who is it Darcy. Who's the father?" I asked her. Our sides were facing all the boys she looked around and back to me. " Kaiden Malik. " all eyes shot to Kaiden, zayn's son. " YOU GOT MY DAUGHTER PREGNANT. " Harry yelled and slammed Kaiden against the wall " you got my daughter pregnant your 18 years old what are you doing with a 16 year old" Harry asked through gritted teeth. "daddy please stop. I love him." Darcy said " you don't know what love is Darcy" " HARRY?! That's enough why can't you support her. Harry she's not a little girl anymore. You can't make her decisions. She has to do it on her own and learn from her mistakes. I was 16 when we got together and your were 19. That's when we first fell in love. Look at your daughter, she's crying Harry, if you hit him she won't forgive you she loves him haz. You have to accept that she's growing up. " he let go of him and hugged Darcy " I'm sorry baby girl I didn't mean to do that. It's just your my little girl and ill always be there for you okay." " I know daddy and I appreciate it. I love you. And I'll always be your little girl no matter what."

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