the story of kawasumi

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Sumire:hi kawaki! How are you doing?
Kawaki:are you talking to me?
Sumire:yeah? I was and hi sarada-chan!
Sarada:oh hi sumire!
Sumire:where were you guys going?
Kawaki:why would I tell you?
Sumire: bec-because
Kawaki: because what!
Sarada: don't be rude kawaki
Sumire: it's okay sarada-chan
Sarada:sumire.. kawaki I need to talk to you for a minute come here!
Kawaki:what is it sarada
Sarada: can you be a lot nice and don't be rude!sumire is worried about you kawaki! Can't you be a lot nicer to her your lucky that someone is worried about you..
Kawaki:why would it be concerned her and did I ask permission to be worried about me and keep annoying me..
Sarada: that's enough kawaki!*angry*I'm always telling you not to be rude to someone who cares for you not someone who doesn't care for you.
Kawaki:I don't care leave what's your name again oh yeah leave sumire..
Sumire:*shock*hmm se ya bye sarada bye kawaki..
Kawaki:don't bye bye me sumire
Sarada: that's enough kawaki I'm tired of you your so selfish*irritated*walk off*
Boruto:hey sarada you okay?
Sarada: can't you see?
Boruto:eh your already in a bad mood! what happened?
Boruto:kawaki? What does kawaki to do with this?
Sarada:he keeps being rude to incho just worried about kawaki and he's just keep telling incho to stop being worried about stop being so sweet and nice.. and I was like she was worried kawaki and he didn't listen*irritated*sigh*what can I do with him..
Boruto:hey don't worry about that I'm gonna talk to kawaki okay so let's go eat dessert so that, that bad mood of yours will be gone..*smiles*
Sarada:*blushes*arigato Boruto..
Boruto:*smiles*ekuze sarada
Sarada:hmm comming
Kawaki:*someone just bumped into me*watch were you going
Sarada: I'm so so sorry Wha-what KAWAKI!!
Kawaki:what surprised
Sarada:well I'm gonna take back what I said earlier so not sorry ekuze boruto
Boruto:yes ma'am
Kawaki:where are you two going? Boruto?
Sarada: that's none of your business KAWAKI
Kawaki:I didn't talk to you
Sarada:*irritated*fine hurry up boruto my mood isn't gonna last long with kawaki.
Boruto:yes ma'am
Sarada:*walk off*irritated*sign*
Kawaki:so where are you two going boruto?
Boruto: why's that matter to you?
Kawaki:I ask you a question! Answer
Where are you two going boruto!
Boruto: sorry but I won't tell you and mind your own business KAWAKI
Kawaki:huh? Oh it's you
Sumire:h-hi kawaki-kun daijubo? And why are you so irritated today? Is something wrong?
Kawaki:*almost got angry and shout to sumire*sign* yeah it's just boruto won't answer my question
Sumire:*a little shock*oh why's that? What was your question? Kawaki-kun? To Boruto?
Kawaki:I said where are you two going boruto and he said it's none of your business KAWAKI and there's sarada irritated too
Sumire:so Boruto and sarada are going to date?
Kawaki:what no there not going to a date sumire
Sumire:*felt a butterflies in the Tommies*ar-are you je-jealuos kawaki-kun
Kawaki: heck no but you okay sumire?
Sumire:yes it's just it's the first time I heard you call me by my name kawaki-kun
Kawaki:*blush*yea-yeah hehe
sumire:is something wrong or I feel like I'm dizzy*collapse*

                     at the hospital

sarada: where is sumire? Boruto? where is she?!
Boruto: calmed down sarada
sarada:fine*exhale, inhale*where's kawaki if I know that he's the one who make class rep collapse he's gonna get it
Boruto:wow slow down tiger
sarada:*sigh*okay okay

                  kawaki enters

sarada:I'm not okay haa*directly punches kawaki*
kawaki:*dodge the fist* what are you doing
sarada:oh I'm just giving you a punch because you can't control your issues about enchou and why can't you appreciate her worrines about you kawaki why can't you appreciate her what she's done to you just let her be your friend and be nice to her why can't you just appreciate everything or everyone who has given you..
kawaki:are you done?
sarada:yes I am
kawaki:and I didn't do anything and besides she just collapse because I called her by her name and I did control my issues and she's not the issues my issues are anger issues and I didn't want it besides I already have feelings for her and so who nows if I like someone like her and I was gonna apologize to her but not now or later because I can hardly  inloved about her and besides she's pretty, cute and that little nue of hers I was wanting to confess about my feelings about her but I changed my mind I really really want to know her more than anyone could ask it's like she's my everything and don't tell her or yeah that's it
Boruto:heh you have feelings for sumire kakei and didn't tell us and wait you like her for years have pass right
kawaki:yeah why and I know that she and me can work things out..
sarada:but why is enchou collapse and I know that you have said her name and that's awkward to ask but it's still bothering me that enchou collapse for kawaki just to say her name and I wouldn't do that because I have no one to do that
kawaki: really
sarada:yeah why no one likes me but likes me as a friend of theirs
kawaki:did boruto not told you about he's feelings for you or it's just me and him
sarada: feelings? you mean boruto have feelings for me
kawaki:I guess you didn't Heard it before but I'm going to sumire's room and tell him that you wanna know about he's feelings for someone and he wouldn't deny it if it's you bye
sarada:but wait me and Boruto loved each other*blush*then wait BORUTO
boruto:sarada what it is something wrong may I help you
sarada:yes you may help me and I wanna know about your feelings for someone
Boruto:my feelings for someone*blush*i-i didn't like someone and besides no one likes me
sarada:really but kawaki told me that you have a crush on someone and I wanna know who it is
Boruto:*in mind-kawaki*kawaki what
sarada:kawaki told me you had a feelings for a girl I wanna know who it is
Boruto:fine it's its
Boruto:huh oh sumire h-hi
sarada:hi sumire your okay
sumire:yeah iM okay and where's kawaki
sarada:he's not here but I know he will come
sumire:so you and kawaki are not fighting sarada
sarada:yeah we're he Just told me the truth what happened to you and why you collapse
sumire:hehe I was just surprised that he spell my name
sarada:really that's your excuse
sumire: Wha-what do you mean sarada-san I didn't have any excuse ya know and besides I have to tell you something and it's about me and kawaki and I want you to keep my secret sarada okay pinky swear
sarada:hai hai so what's the secret you wanna tell me about
sumire:it's about me and kawaki I was just wondering that if he liked me for me
sarada:I didn't know that you liked him and besides go confess your loved to him
sumire: I can't just confess I'm to shy to confess and I want time to confess my feelings for him and I can't let anyone take him except me of course his mien only mine
sarada:sumire your like a stalker who is obsessed with someone
sumire:I'm not and besides you like Boruto
sarada:how did you know sumire
sumire:of course we're friends and I think you should confess too
sarada:why would I confess to him he should do it or I don't wanna do it and besides he won't tell me his feelings for me and kawaki told me that he would never deny that I have to ask him but when i ask about him what's his feelings for me he just ran when you yell my name then puff he's gone
sumire:wait kawaki told you that boruto like you?
sarada:yeah he just told me
sumire:does he have feelings for me Sarada can you tell him
sarada: you tell him and just keep practicing how to confess your loved about him and don't be shy and besides me and Boruto are leaving we have to get home see ya tomorrow at the academy sumire
kawaki:hi sumire
sumire: ka-kawaki-kun what are you doing here I thought you would go home with Boruto
kawaki: I can't go home and your alone here so I want to stay with you and let's go to the academy together

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