Chapter 2

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When your eyes opened again, you found yourself staring up at a wooden ceiling.

Slowly sitting up, you shifted your weight, slinging your feet off the side of the bed you found yourself in.

Your eyes scanned the room for anybody else that could be around, yet there was no one.

Pushing yourself to your feet, the wood squeaked beneath you as you walked out the room and down the hall.

The eerie silence made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

"Hello? Miss Shinobu?" You called out. There was no answer. Your brows furrowed as you continued on.

"Please..let me go! Stop!"

As the sound of a pleading voice echoed down the hall, you picked up your pace, sprinting down the corridor until you reached the door that the voice echoed from.

You wasted no time flinging it open. Your teeth are clenched and your eyes glared at the scene inside.

It was a demon and it stood over a young woman who trembled beneath it.

The demon held her throat in its grasp as it hoisted her up.

"Let go of her!" You shouted and grabbed your sword, yanking it from it's sheath.

It didn't acknowledge you. It was as if you simply weren't there.

The girl screamed and thrashed in its grip as it brought her closer and closer to its mouth.

"I said stop it!"

When you lunged towards the demon, it turned its head to you with a crack of its neck.

Its stare bore into you like hot coals while it grinned.

"Another juicy woman has come to me..I'll savour your taste!!"

As you charged towards the demon, it lunged back at you, dropping it's other victim.

The force of its lunge sent you colliding back against the ground with it on top of you.

You thrashed beneath its grip but it's strength was beyond anything you could fight.

"You're a weak little human..what can you do? You can't do a thing. No matter how much you much you see..all you can watch as those around you die.. because you're pathetic."

It's voice was loud yet it sounded distorted. It's hands pinned yours down and it laughed at your futile struggle.

Meanwhile your crow circled above, cawwing loudly.

"South! Southwest!! South! Southwest!!"

With each passing second, everything became louder and louder until your head throbbed from the sounds.

You squeezed your eyes shut as you continued to try to free yourself.



"(Y/N) wake up!"

With a sharp inhale, you suddenly flung yourself upright.

Your breathing was erratic and you were drenched in sweat.

"Hey. Come now, you're alright. Steady your breathing."

As you blinked, the world around you came back into focus.

You were back in the bed that you had gotten up from. To your left, Rengoku sat, staring at you with those wide, red eyes of his.

"You were thrashing about, so I woke you." He told you and you took notice to his hand on your shoulder.

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