watching from afar

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Sasha awoke in the afternoon and yawned opening her eyes and stretching her arms, cracking her neck and knuckles

Sasha opened the door and closed it as she walked to the academy and saw a glimpse of the day class students at the gate of the night class

"I hope Azreal is fitting in" Sasha said to herself as she went ahead to go into the classroom to get ready for the lesson in class

not knowing a certain heterochrome blue and red brown vampire was watching her from afar...

Azreal's pov

I was in a white uniform now 'it doesn't suit me at all' I thought to myself as I sighed and walked out with the other night class students

"Hey gorgeous" Aido hanabusa said I ignored him "Is it really true someone like her is a goddess" ruka Souen said I clenched my fist and turned to face her

"If your so displeased by me then ignore me...better yet pretend I don't exist because I don't need to hear the bullshit coming from your mouth" I said coldly

This made ruka angry and she tried to smack me but I grabbed her wrist before she could "ruka stop antagonizing her" kaname said

"Tch" I said as I dropped her wrist and the doors opened revealing the day class students in front of the gate I sighed in annoyance 'this is gonna be a pain in the ass' I thought to myself

"Who's that girl is she new" a day class student said "hey are you Azreal Sorche" a girl with brown hair and reddish brown eyes said

I nodded "I'm yuki cross headmaster cross's daughter" yuki said "funny he doesn't look like your father" I said blandly

"Well I'm more of an adopted daughter...but anyway welcome to cross academy" yuki said "thanks I guess" I said as I walked away from her heading to night class

Sasha's pov

I wrote some things on the blackboard and looked through the folder to see the names of the students the door opened revealing the night class along with Azreal

"Good evening class my name is Sasha nura you will address me as Ms nura and will do so respectfully as I'm your new night class teacher" I said

"Why is a human teaching our class" a student I recognize to be ruka Souen had interrupted me while I was talking and that was really upsetting

I appeared in front of ruka surprising the whole class (except kaname and Azreal) and I carefully put my hands on the table

"It would be best to be quiet while I'm teaching a lesson in class if you have a question raise your hand and I'll call on you" I said

"Other than that there should be no reason for you to interrupt me while I'm I understood miss Souen" I said darkly

Ruka felt a shiver go up her spine "I...I understand" Ruka said as I pulled my hands off the table and went back to the black board

"Now I will call attendance if you are here please say something if you are not here I will mark you as absent" I said grabbing my clipboard with the names on it


Rido was watching Sasha with interest as she was calling attendance he couldn't help but think she looked like Kayla more and more

Rido's pov

I saw what she did with that vampire girl and it intrigued me, 'this Sasha nura might be even more interesting than my Kayla' I thought to myself

The thought of Kayla made me frown 'Kayla...she should have been mine...but me and my nephew stabbed her in the chest from both sides and she died instantly' I thought to myself

"I should stop thinking about that incident it's giving me terrible memories of that day" I whispered under my breath closing my eyes then glanced at Sasha through the window

'Maybe she's different from Kayla...then again' I thought to myself "different might be a good thing" I said looking at her with interest

3rd person pov

Sasha was done for the night "ok class is  dismissed I hope you all learned something" Sasha said as a night was thrown at her from behind

Sasha caught the knife with her hand and looked at the knife "who does this belong to or should I find out myself although I have a feeling I don't need to" Sasha said glancing at ruka

Azreal rolled her eyes knowing what was going to happen Sasha looked around the room "no one's going to claim it...alright then" Sasha said

Sasha proceedings to disintegrate the knife and the class became dead silent "now class dismissed" Sasha said as the whole class got up to leave

Azreal walked up to Sasha "you look a bit on edge are you ok?" Azreal said sounding a little concerned for Sasha and her well being

"I don't know for some strange reason I feel like someone has been watching me as of late I don't know why" Sasha said "maybe it's a stalker" Azreal said

"I beg to differ...a stalker wouldn't be trying to intentionally make me notice them" Sasha said rubbing the back of her neck stiffly

"Hm that is strange" Azreal said rubbing her chin as kaname watched the two of them converse "it's about time to get going go on" Sasha said

"But..." "go on" Sasha said cutting Azreal off as kaname walked over to the both of them "good evening ladies...I'll take Azreal back to the dormitory don't worry" kaname said

"Thank you for taking care of my apprentice" Sasha said "it's my pleasure" kaname said as they left the classroom and Sasha sighed deeply as she brushed her hair out of her face

"Looks like I've got a lot of things to do" Sasha whispered to herself as she graded paperwork and soon got to the teachers dormitory and got ready for bed

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