Who is Kayla kuran?

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Rido had left with something on his mind and he had been contemplating whether he should tell his soulmate about Kayla or not

Rido had been so infatuated with Kayla before because he fell in love with her when she was a child but she feared him badly when he tried to Bite her

"The bite was unintentional...why am I thinking about this...my new interest is my soulmate...my love...my Sasha" Rido whispered under his breath

Rido suddenly heard something which caught his interest as the night drew closer and closer he saw Sasha singing to herself

"🎶 Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain 🎶"

"🎶 Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp 🎶"

Hearing Sasha sing brought the memory of Kayla and his nephew kaname who were singing together with love in their eyes

"🎶 I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night 🎶"

"🎶 And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking 🎶"

"🎶 People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share No one dared Disturb the sound of silence 🎶"

"🎶 "Fools" said I, "You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you 🎶"

"🎶 But my words like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming 🎶"

"🎶 And the sign said, "The words of the prophets Are written on the subway walls And tenement halls And whispered in the sounds of silence 🎶"

It hurt his very being to think about Kayla when it was him and his nephew who so abruptly ended her life on accident

Rido entered her bedroom "ah...rido it's almost time for me to teach a class we can talk later" Sasha said "we need to talk" rido said

"Later..." "now" Rido said cutting off Sasha and she sat on her bed and crossed her arms "alright...what is it that we need to talk about" Sasha said looking up at Rido

"A long time ago..." Rido said his eyes focused on Sasha as he spoke "I was a little more arrogant and selfish than I was now" rido said

Sasha raised an eyebrow in curiosity about the story he's about to tell her Rido cleared his throat and began to speak

"A long time ago...before you....I was infatuated with a child her name was Kayla she was a quiet girl who I found being abused by her mother" Rido said

"I took herin out of pity at first but then I started to fall in love with her...but one night a red moon lit up the sky and I almost attacked her" Rido said

"She ran away from me and ran into my younger brother and ended up getting adopted into the kuran family becoming Kayla kuran" Rido said

"Years later...I never saw her again until she turned 19 I saw my nephew kaname..." Rido said his nephew's name in disgust but continued the story

"With Kayla and they were kissing...it made me insanely jealous...so in the night I kidnapped her and brought her back to my mansion" Rido said

"She didn't seem to remember me the way she should have...my nephew came to save her from my clutches and we started to fight..." Rido said

"I had locked Kayla in her room just so she wouldn't get hurt but...she somehow escaped and..." Rido's voice cracked as he was telling the story

"Are you ok..." Sasha said Rido sighed deeply and continued "as me and my nephew were about to stab each other Kayla got into the crossfire and we...ended up stabbing her chest front...and back" Rido said voice breaking

Sasha gasps as she remembers the reoccurring nightmare in her memory "at that time Kayla kuran was known as the cursed child" Rido said

This surprised Sasha as Rido went down on his knees looking towards the ground "I'm Nothing but a killer..." Rido said

Sasha looked at him surprised but then composed herself and kneeled down to the ground "Hey now..." Sasha said grabbing his hand holding it

"It's not the end of the world...the past is the past there's no need to dwell on such things now" Sasha said and cupped his cheek

"But I'm glad you told me it makes me feel so moved that you trust me enough to tell me this" Sasha said lifting his head up to face her

"It's ok" Sasha said as rido held his hand against Sasha's warmth "to be honest I need to tell you something too" Sasha said

Rido looks at her as she stood up from the ground "well the cursed child you were talking about...is my grandmother now" Sasha said

Rido was shocked to think his mate was one of the cursed child's grandchildren "are you shocked...I suppose that's the Normal reaction" Sasha said

"How..." Rido said as Sasha looked at him confused and then he lifted her up in the sky "how did I get an Angel like you" Rido said

"I've got a class to teach remember could you put me down now Rido" Sasha said "I don't want to your mine" Rido whispered

"Well I can be yours at another time after I get finished with class" Sasha said as rido chuckled "fine I'll wait for now" rido said as Sasha left to teach the night class

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