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While Heidi was getting the Twins ready for bed she heard a knock at the door. Her eyes immediately landed to Tina who just woken up from her sleep. Tina opened the dresser and grabbed her pistol just in case it was a break-in. Again there was another knock on the door.

Tina:Who is it?


Tina immediately opened the door and hugged Boon. She missed him so much! He's been away for college and started living in the states after he graduated. Ever since he was young he always wanted to live in the states. Tina promised him once he got to an certain age he was able to go to the states. Boon walked inside and Tina closed the door.

Tina:You hungry?

Boon:Chai. Very.

Tina:Great! Heidi made some pad Thai. (Fix Boon some food)

Boon:Sorry I missed the wedding and the birthday. The states and Thai time zone are so different.

Tina:Trust me we still love you.

Heidi(comes out the room):I just put the twins to sleep.

Tina(goes and puts the gun up):They are so cute.

Heidi(Hugs Boon):I missed my son so much na!

Boon(hugs back):I've missed you Mae. You look wonderful.

Heidi:Thank you. I've been trying to keep busy.

Boon:How are the twins?

Heidi(smiles and bites her bottom lip):They look just like me na. Wanna see them since they are asleep?

Tina:Just stay the night and you can see them in the morning.

Boon:I was crashing here anyway. I miss my parents cooking!

Heidi(smiles):We miss you around. You have a special girl or boy in your life?

Boon:Chai! Becky and I moved in together in the UK actually but we are heavily starting to miss home like hell. Plus we are planning to have kids too.

Heidi:That's wonderful you know your alw-

Tina:Wait a minute. You knew your mother was going to say that Hm?

Boon:Chai. All of my things are outside. Not all though. Just most of it.

Tina(sighs):Baby. (Looks at Heidi)

Heidi:Well what are you waiting for go get your things. You can have the whole basement if you want.

Boon:Perfect thanks! Phaw are you mad?

Heidi:Son go get your things your dad is fine.

Boon:Okay na(leaves)

Tina:Baby what about our alone time. For example after we got the kids asleep and I can finally have you.

Heidi:That can still happen. Boon can be in the basement watching the twins while you and I go into our room. We lock the door and you can control me. (Looks at Tina) Plus I really missed my baby boy. Don't be upset please.

Tina:I'll never be upset baby that's our son. I'm just needed for you. It's been almost a month. I'm needy for you.

Heidi:Go help him unpack then let's go in the backseat. I'm sure Boon wouldn't mind watching the twins.

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