Accidental Text To LT Riley

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"Ready y/n?" you heard Soap yell from the hall.
"Give me a minute!" You shouted back as you put on your earrings.
Finally you had a night off, and no training early in the morning, so Soap and Gaz decided that everyone would meet up at the local bar.
You were so excited to finally relax and not have to worry about getting up early for practice.
Freshly showered, a civilian outfit and a couple of sprays of perfume, and you were ready to head out.

Never had your colleagues seen you so dressed up before.
"Daaamn y/n!! What kind of trouble are you causing tonight?" Gaz said with a big smirk as you walked out of your room. You only responded with a giggle.
Soap looked you up and down before clearing his throat- "the taxi's outside, let's go"

At the bar you three sat down at a  booth in the corner.
"Are Ghost and Price coming?" You asked while looking at your phone.
"They will be here soon, you miss them much?" Soap asked with a grin, his eyes meeting yours.
"Let me ask you something y/n?" Gaz said.
"Go on" you replied while looking back down at your phone.
"Did you and Ghost... You know... last year?" He kind of stuttered with a smirk while taking a sip of his beer.
That caught you off guard.
"What do you mean? " you replied playing dumb.

You knew exactly what he meant. And yes...yes you did. But that was nothing you wanted to talk about tonight. The memories of his touch and  his scent still gave you goosebumps when you were reminded.
Fooling around with your lieutenant was not something you were going to admit.
Ghost made it clear that he was not the person who would keep a relationship with anyone.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Price touching your shoulder.
Thank God for Price saving you.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna buy everyone a round of shots before I sit down, Ghost was right behind me but I have lost him somewhere in the crowd" he laughed.
A sudden feeling of jealousy surfaced when you thought about seeing him talking to another woman. You could not deny the fact that you still wanted him, even though he was very cold and distant towards you. You fiddled with the glass in your hand when you heard his strong accent coming from behind.
"Who are you and what have you done with y/n" he said as he looked at you. His eyes traveling from your eyes to your lips and down your body.

"Sorry I forgot to bring my sweaty uniform and gun" you chuckled back.
He sat down at the opposite side of the table, leaning back against the backrest of the sofa while still looking at you intensely.

"Price, you got that picture of the target in your phone?" Ghost said in a low voice when Price handed out the shots of whiskey.
"Not at the moment, I have it on the computer back at the base. No need to talk work at this hour Simon, let's just have a good night shall we eh?"
You could tell Ghost's mind was occupied with the  planning of your next mission. He would work non-stop if it were up to him.

"I took a picture of Price's PowerPoint, I'll send it to you" you said as you opened your camera roll and started scrolling.
"Found it!" Hitting the send button as you  looked up at Ghost.
A quick glance back down at your phone made your heart skip a beat.
Fucking hell...
Your eyes widened in a sudden shock.
You accidentally sent another picture as well. You must have pressed it while scrolling through your camera roll.

"What happened?" Gaz asked you when he saw the look on your face.
Ghost's phone lit up as the notification of your message came.
His phone was right there on the table.
Your body acted before you could think, reaching for his phone in a sudden manner.

Thinking you could get a hold of his phone before him was a stupid thought as he caught your wrist just as your fingers gripped his phone.
He squeezed your wrist so hard it made your grip weak and his phone slipped right out of your hand into his.
"Let go" he barked.
You whined as he let go of your wrist.
"Give me your phone!!!!" You yelped in panic. Price, Gaz and Soap stopped to look at you and Ghost.
A slight smirk under his balaclava appeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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