Chapter 1: Curiosity isn't always a virtue

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The first red flag should have been the giant LEXCORP on the side of the building. Only pretentious assholes put their names on the side of the building. Granted, I didn't have much choice since this field trip was mandatory for my science class. Of all the places they could have taken us to, they chose LexCorp? Why not STAAR labs? They are the leading company in bioengineering, we would learn significantly more.

"God, I hate this place," I looked over to see a very sour-looking Alicia.

"I think that's the point," I muttered looking around the lobby. She gave me a flat look and tossed a balled-up sticky note at my head.

So far this trip had been less than stellar. It was all shiny rock this, alien rock that. The only highlight being that we were headed to lunch before going up to the bio floor. I had my head resting in my hand as I looked around further spotting Tim Drake a couple of tables away. I couldn't help but stare as he laughed with Stephanie Brown and Duke Thomas. I couldnt help the small sigh as I watched him from afar. The way his blue eyes shined as he told a joke or the way his dark hair fell in his face as he laughed.

"You know, you should probably stop staring before it gets weird." Alicia grinned, popping a chip into her mouth.

"Shut up," I grumbled looking down at my food. Tim Drake had been the object of my affection since the beginning of the year. There was just something about him I couldnt ignore. Just like Alicia couldnt ignore the opportunity to make fun of me for it.

"Students! Finish up, its time to continue on!" My science teacher, Mrs. O'hara was a short Hispanic lady that had the tendency to shoot her students with a Nerf gun when we answered her questions wrong.

All the students packed up before lining up and heading back inside. This is the floor I had been looking forward to. LexCorp may not be the leading company in bioengineering but their current project was pretty interesting, the effects of different types of radiation on organic matter. This could be the project that cures cancer or helps people grow back limbs. It had the potential to be revolutionary.

The second we walked in it was all holo screens and diagrams of everything ranging from lizards to spiders. I couldnt help but let my mouth fall open as I looked around. I was so focused on all the displays I didnt even notice all the scientists running about. So it wasnt really a shock when I tripped into one of them effectively making a fool out of myself.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, jumping up and helping them pick up all the files they had dropped.

"Watch it, kid!" They growled out before snatching the papers from me and storming off.

I couldnt help but stare in the direction the scientist went. I glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention before slinking off after them. I peeked around a corner to see them put in a passcode on the door. 76395. The door opened and two more scientists exit the door and walk away with the first. I waited a few minutes to make sure they werent coming back before walking to the door and putting in the password. The door opened and I slid through quietly. The room was lit up with blue light and there were what looked to be several ladders with large webs in between each rung. Each spider varied in size, shape, and color. I walked forward looking closely at each species. One, in particular, caught my eye. It was black, the blue light reflecting menacingly. It was no bigger than the palm of my hand but the black eyes were nonetheless unnerving. I reached out to lean on the side of the ladder to get a closer look when the ladder shifted knocking it over. I completely froze as the ladder tipped and fell on top of me. The spiders immediately started skittering everywhere trying to find a dark corner to hide in. I shoved the ladder off and started jumping around trying to brush all of the spiders off before running out of the room and towards my class. I looked back over my shoulder before turning forward and seeing my teacher looking right at me.

"Aw man," I muttered as she gestured me over. This was a detention for sure.

Alicia gave me a look of pity as I followed the teacher to an area away from the other students. My eyes caught Tim as he looked on curiously.

I looked away thinking about that room of spiders as Mrs. Ohara gave me the usual speech of not running off. Why would Lexcorp keep those spiders in a locked room but keep others on the viewing floor? What were the green stones that lit up the room about?

"Nico, are you even listening to me?!" The sound of Mrs. Ohara's voice made me jerk my head over to face her. A sharp pinch on the back of my neck made me hiss and slap my hand on the back of my neck. I could feel something fall into my hand and clenched my fingers around it.

"Yeah I got it, dont wander off, detention on Monday, dont do it again," I grumbled looking away from her.

She sighed with a disappointed expression and walked away to another group of students. I looked down at my hand and slowly uncurled my fingers. A black shiny spider sat in the palm of my hand while my other hand felt around on the back of my hand feeling a small bump.

That cant be good...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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