Rimuru the True Pioneer

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Let me say a few things before we start, im sorry for not updating, ive been busy for a few days irl, wont get into detail about my private life but it was really hectic at my house

Anyways lets get started


Rimuru was bored doing paperwork upon paperwork upon paperwork upon paperwork upon- wait why am i repeating, you get the point

Rimuru: ahhhhhhhhhh too much, why do i feel like this is a plot by someone to keep me busy

Ciel: <its just your imagination>

Rimuru: really Ciel? Hmmmm???

Ciel: <it-its just your imagination, hmph>

Rimuru: alright alight then, can you help me with it please Ciel? "puppy dog eyes"

Ciel: <gahh, too cute> "it was super effective"

Ciel: <ugh fine, where would master like to go?>

Rimuru: just to earth, i want to go see if theres any new manga out and relax at my house there

Ciel: <hmm a surprisingly normal request>

Rimuru: what was that?

Ciel: <its just your imagination>

Rimuru: right of course it always is

Ciel: <heh>

Rimuru finishes one more stack of paperwork and decides it time to take his break, he contacts all his subordinates through thought communication and says hes going to earth to take a break, and before anyone could reject or say anything he was gone

Rimuru: phew, i did it, good thing i was fast before anyone of then had suggested to come along, well time to go get some manga!

Ciel: <master i sens->

Rimuru: not now Ciel i wanna go get some manga and relax at my vacation house here on earth, no powers and the casual way

Ciel <hmph>

Rimuru arrives at a book shop and browses through the manga section and finds some new manga titles he hasnt heard of during his time as Satoru,

Rimuru: hmm this looks interesting, this manga is about some guy who ate a finger? What ew. And this one is about a brother and sister trying to find a way to turn the sister back into a human, hmm interesting, i might get this one. And this one is hmm a guy who can turn into chainsaws? That's cool, hmm maybe i can try it later myself, hehehe.

Rimuru grabs a couple of mangas he hasnt heard of and goes to the cashier.

He pays for it all and walks to a train station, its not as good as tempests but its still good considering it was the base model of the magi trains

Rimuru: ah time to sit down and relax while reading some manga

Ciel: <master i detec->

Rimuru: Ciel please wait for until i arrive at my house, i wanna relax and a little of the manga i got

Ciel: <hmph fine guess i wont warn you>

Rimuru: what was that?

Ciel: <its just your imagination, hmph>

Rimuru: oh Ciels mad a little, maybe i should have listened

Rimuru: eh it probably wasnt important if Ciel isnt trying that hard to get me to listen

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