Chapter 10 - Breakfast

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Emmet's P.O.V
I woke up, turning beside me. Elle's sleeping form was lying next to me, her long brown hair all messy. Tomorrow we left for the tour, and Elle and I had stayed up pretty late checking last minute things. Which meant tonight was celebration time. It was 9am, and Elle and I had a quick breakfast planned with Colm and Laura at 9:30. I hated to wake her up, but I knew I had to. "Elle, wake up love," I whispered, kissing her lightly on the forehead. She hated to be touched in the morning, something I had quickly learned.
"Okay. Recording is done. The CD is done. All of our plans are made. Why on earth are you waking me up?" She asked immediately, glaring at me. I smiled, knowing in about 3 cups of coffee she'd be back to normal.
"Aw, Elle I'm sorry, we have breakfast with Colm and Laz today," I said softly, and got up to make her coffee.

"Morning Em!" She said, bounding into the kitchen and perfectly happy.
"Hey sweetheart! How'd you sleep?"
"Really well, actually! Having your arms around me all night is pretty nice, to be honest," she said matter-of-factly, grabbing my shirt and kissing me. I laughed, and hugged her.
"What did I do when I didn't have you?" I asked, scooping her up and plopping her down at the table.
"Well, I believe that you went to rugby games with Peter and turned down pretty blonde girls." "Hey, that's not fair. Cindy didn't hold a candle to you! She was talking to me and I only had eyes for the pretty brunette screaming 'We won! We won!' at the field," I said, smiling at her.
"Right, well, she didn't give a damn that we won, and it was kind of pissing me off. So, how about we do something really fun before we go," she said, trying but failing to smile seductively. I laughed.
"Oh yeah? And what did you have in mind?" I asked, brushing a piece of hair away from her face with my fingertips.
"Well, first I thought you could wash the dishes while I clean the oven?" She said, batting her eyelashes, something I'd never seen her do before. Her sly smile didn't last long, though, and soon she was laughing uncontrollably. I made her leave the room for a complete 5 minutes until she had calmed down enough for me to answer.
"Elle, I could think of nothing better," I said, once she had stopped laughing, and we started cleaning the kitchen together. About halfway through scrubbing some pots, I realized that I could totally see Elle and I in this house forever, with kids and maybe a dog. That's when I got the ultimate idea. She would never forget the show tomorrow night. I had a lot of planning to do.

"Come on, now, tell the girl! She asked, and you have to tell the truth!" Colm said, shoving my elbow from across the table.
"Why on earth did I let you talk me into playing this dumb game?" I asked. Truth or Dare was some kind of American game Colm and Laura had picked up, and then I had stupidly agreed to play. Elle raised her eyebrows, smirking.
"Well?" She asked, taking some potatoes off of my plate and eating them. When it came to potatoes, Elle was the stereotypical Irish girl.
"Ok, I've gone out with 3 girls before you, and no I haven't been with any of them," I answered truthfully.
"3?!" She exclaimed. For a second I thought she was mad, but then she smiled. "With your good looks and charm, I would've thought it'd be 20!" I sighed in relief.
"Well, I'm very picky. And one of them was just for prom, so it only lasted a night." At this Colm snorted, and I kicked him under the table. Or at least I had thought it had been him, but then I saw Laura's eyes watering in pain.
"Emmet!" She yelled. "Why'd you kick me?!"
"I thought I was kicking Colm!"
"Why were you kicking Colm?"
"Actually, that's a funny story-"
"One that we don't need to hear now."
"No, I'd like to hear it."
"Another time, love."
"Emmet, I think you bruised my foot!"
"Sorry Laz!"
"Say something Colm!"
"Don't kick my girlfriend, Cahill!" Colm said this indignantly, but he was smiling. All of this happened in the space of about 10 seconds. Elle was staring at me. Laura was glaring slightly, and Colm was smirking. Great.
"Right then. Laura, I'm terribly sorry, I only meant to kick Colm. Please forgive me, Laz?" She nodded and I kissed her on the cheek. One down, two to go. "Colm, I will get you back later for that. Be prepared. And Elle, Colm was referring to the first girl I've ever kissed. Nothing more. I promise." This was completely true, yet Elle didn't seem to believe me. "Trust me, love."
"Alright, alright, I - " she got cut off by her phone ringing. She took it out. "Hello?" Muffled talking, and then someone yelling. "Calm down! I owe you nothing!" Elle burst out suddenly. More yelling, and then the sound of something breaking. Colm and Laura where watching with as much focus and trepidation as I was. "Oh my God! No! I'm going, and you cannot stop me." Voices. "Well why don't you march your cheating arse down here and tell me to my face, you COWARD!" I'd never heard Elle scream like this. By now the entire cafe was staring at our table. I didn't care. I quickly took Elle in my arms, stroking her hair as she slammed her phone down. She was crying, and shaking. I kissed her head. I had a shrewd idea of who had been on the other line and why, but I didn't ask now. Laura came over and sat down next to her while Colm took her hand.
"It's okay. It's all gonna be okay," I whispered, and she sobbed.

Well, I wonder if anyone knows what's gonna happen...

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