1 | Yelan

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top!mistress! yelan x bottom! reader
bondage, rope play, office au (kinda)
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You started working for the Ministry a few months ago as an acting assistant for Yelan, and when you had accidentally walking in on a very compromising scene of her mumbling your name with her hand under her skirt, and her legs slightly spread, you'd somehow fallen into a... promiscuous relationship with your boss.

You weren't necessarily against her liking you, as you had had a crush on her for a while now... however you weren't aware how far her creativity spread.

Like now; you strained against dark blue ropes circling your body, keeping you in one position. If you moved you could risk rope burn, but by god did you want to due to the small vibrator shoved so deep inside of you. The entire situation was more thrilling than you'd like to admit... blindfolded with your knees pressing against her cold, hard ground. Your entire body hidden under her desk.

Oh it was so erotic.

"Very well Mei Ling," Oh right, if the setting and your current position weren't provocative enough, she also continued to work with you hidden. "Call the investors and have their head man speak with me later. Y/n's handling something... else for me and isn't available."

God, if your coworkers could see you right now...

They'd be so weirded out— especially knowing you're sleeping with the boss!

"You're in your head again," Yelan's voice drifts into your head, pulling you from it just as she yanks the chain around your neck. "You should be punished for such disobedience."

Your eyes widen in the blindfold, your body strains against the ropes and you try so desperately to be closer to her. "Mistress, i'm sorry.." You whimper while shaking your head. "I didn't mean to..!"

Yelan scoffs, and a cold chill runs through you. "Such a pathetic puppy. Did I give you permission to speak?"

You look down and shake your head gently. Her hand grabs you by your hair roughly, the feeling of her nails digging into your scalp makes a moan fall from your lips. "I'll have to teach you a lesson," She mutters, yanking you up. Your body aches. Being pulled from such a straining position so roughly is almost too much.

Archons... it feels so good.

The next thing you know, you're bent over her lap, ass up in the air. Her hand comes down, softly rubbing your lower back. Ghosting over the bite marks she'd left just a few days ago. "Color?"

You shiver. "...Green, Mistress."

"Good pup," She murmurs. Yelan's hand lifts from your back, and you relax against her, until her hand slams back down against your ass. A yelp leaves you, your body shifts. "Count."


She smacks again, harder.

"Ah..! Two..."

A painful pursuit begins. Bent over Yelan's lap, to her complete mercy as her hand slams down repeatedly until you're weak in the knees and groggily moaning out '..seventy..'. And god does she love it. Each hit jostles you around, the vibrator slowly falling further and further out of you, teasing your inevitable release.

You're embarrassed over the desperate leaking of your pussy, practically coating your thighs. Yelan doesn't stop, if anything her hits get harder. She loves to watch you squirm and moan, complaining about how bad it hurts while your ass lifts up for more. It's so tempting. "Color?" She murmurs, continuing to hit you.

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