Anxiety Attack

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The morning of a very big day came for you, you were going into an interview for an Agent to work alongside this bad ass named "Leon Kennedy". He was a very handsome man, who you really wanted to just impress and not make him think you are in this for nothing. You knew your shit because you did your research, did trainings, and all the other stuff that came with it. Now today is finally the day you show him what the fuck is up.

~You go to the place where you meet the training people. ~

"Is there a Y/N Here?" The lady questioned as she looked out to see if anyone would react.

"Right H-Here!" You say as you got up walking over to her.

"Right this way Ma'am." She says as she leads to take you to a practice round.

(Little did you know that though.)

You both are walking as you happen to notice you start getting that weird tight feeling in your neck, and you feel a hot sensation in your abdomen, you then notice your thoughts going everywhere where you didn't want them too.

"U-Um ma'am.... I need to use the restroom really quick if that's okay, It's an emergency..." You asked kind of panicked.

"Sure, it's right over there" She points me to the bathroom.

"T-Thanks so much!" You say as you fast walk to the bathroom, while holding your neck and abdomen to make the feeling a little subside.

You started to notice you starting to hyperventilate too, while the shakes start too.

"Oh, shit you got to be kidding me, this is really happening now?" You whisper to yourself as you are entering the bathroom.

~Meanwhile Leons just experienced all of the conversation without you knowing cause of cameras in the hallway~

Leon gets out of his office chair and heads to where the women and you were. He was in a way aware what was maybe going on with you but wanted to just make sure.

"Whats taking her so long, shes been in there for 15 minutes already, we have so many people waiting-" As she was mumbling and noticed Leon coming towards her,

"O-Oh Leon! I'm so sorry for the inconvenience and late start we have. Your trainee went to the bathroom and has been in there for a while." She says.

"I noticed that, have you gone and checked up on her?" He asked.

"Well no....I guess I didnt get that far ahead." She says.

"Was she acting weird when you were talking to her at all?" He asked.

"Only when she was coming to "meet" you, she did then I guess." she replied.

"Okay..." Is all that came outta his mouth as he began to go towards the bathroom to check on you.

~Back to you~

You're just having a rough time getting over this Panic Attack no matter what you usually do is not working.

"God Dammit COME ON! JUST FUCKING LEAVE, ME ALONE ANXIETY!!" You yell as you hit the wall with being so sick of dealing with this.

At this point of your Panic attack your hugging your knees shaking and crying, hyperventilating, and cant catch your breath.

Leon opens the bathroom door quickly as he heard that big bang,

"Excuse me is everything okay in here? Someone's in here I know It." He asked.

Your thoughts were overpowering you at this point telling you "What all could go wrong? What you could do better, you don't deserve this job with this mental illness, you couldn't handle it, just look at what's happening now."

You looked up at the bathroom stall door and looked through the cracks and see him, Leon S. Kennedy. A secret agent, the one who survived the raccoon city incident, The one who saved the president's daughter Ashley, who was infected with "plaga". He was just such an inspiration to you that you did not want him to see you in this state of mind, or physical appearance for that matter.

"Look I saw you with that woman earlier, there's no need to be afraid or fact I'm here to help you anyway I can so..." He says softy as he begins to move to the stall that's "locked."

He then opens the stall door and sees you. The look on your face said it all, you were panicked, scared, and worried. He then goes up to you crouches down to the floor with one nee on the ground while the other is over his belly. He also puts his hand on your shoulder to comfort you, rubbing it

"Hey, it's alright, it's going to be okay, just take nice and slow breaths, Follow my breathing patterns okay?" He says to you as he shows you how to breath to calm you down. You then start doing the breathing exercises to and it helped wonderfully.

~15 minutes later~

"Leon, Thank you so much for helping me through that." you say with relief.

"Not a problem errrr...." Leon began to say,

"Y/N, My names Y/N L/N" You tell him.

"Well, Its not a problem Y/N." He says staring into your eyes.

You start to blush a lot cause his handsomeness is overwhelming.

"Well lets go then!" Leon says as he walks with you to training.

"Yes sir!" You say following him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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