Backstory ;)

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A/N: Yeah Yeah, I know what you are thinking. Backstories are boring, blah blah blah. Well, this one is a short one, so it shouldn't be too painful. I dislike Flashbacks when I can just explain it in about a thousand words. I hope you like where it's going, and if not,  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Titania POV in The Sky Box:

When you are in solitary confinement, it really means Solitary confinement. But for me, it was a way to get and understanding of what life really was. In this scenario, I understand that life fucking sucks.

It's been 11 months since I was first thrown in the sky box. Also known as a child's prison, you stay here till you die at 18.

Talk about quality of life.

It's also been 11 months since my parents were floated. Unfortunately they were floated for treason.

My mom, Sona Sparks, was an engineer on the Ark. She taught me a lot of things about engineering. I was more into the soldering and welding side, mostly because I liked to see the sparks fly and to be honest it was fun.

Plus it is a valued skill on the Ark, therefore it was easy for me to get a job. Well not so much now...

Anyways, My father may not have been an engineer but he was on the council. His name was Titus Sparks. He worked along side with Jaha and Kane. He taught me how to fight and how to defend myself. Different styles of fighting that was popular on earth many years ago. I would say I picked that up pretty easy.

I learned a little bit about politics or what he was willing to teach me, which could have been useful in the future.

If I had one...

My mother worked alongside with another Engineer. His name was Jake Griffin. They found a flaw in the system and discovered that we were going to run out of oxygen in about a year.

My mom and Jake tried so hard to find a solution, but they were unlucky in their search.

My mom approached my father and Jake approached his wife, Abby Griffin. Things went downhill from there.

My parents both agreed that something needed to be said to the council. During one of the meeting Jake Griffin and my parents proposed that we should announce Ark-wide what is going on.

They were hopeful that everyone would understand, and we could start preparations for what is to come.

The council disagreed.

They thought an announcement like this could start a wide-spread of panic and a lack of order.

Despite being on the council, my father still sided with Jake and Mom.

Even though the council turned down their proposal, they still planned on going viral with it.

Two days after the meeting, My parents invited the Griffins over to discuss their first action.

Abby and Jake Griffin arrived at the door with their daughter Clarke.

She was my age, I was about a month older than her at the time. We had some things in common, like the fact we both took after our mothers. She was training to be a doctor like her mother, and I was training to be an engineer like mine.

While our parents were having a discussion we hid in my bedroom listening intently on their scheming.

Whatever they planned on doing, they didn't want to involve us. Which made sense, but Clarke and I were too nosy for our own good.

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