obedience training

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Hello, puppy welcome to your new home for now on you have to do as I tell you and behave yourself.

So does that mean for now all I have to address you as master, or can I address you as Lichen

'For now address me as master. I will let you know when you can call me by my name.'

Ok Master I know I'm a pet submissive but why do you call me puppy I'm not say I don't like it I'm just curious. 

*I said starting to feel flustered and stuttering over my own words*

Good question puppy well I like to use puppy because it gives you a pet name. I can always change your pet name if you like but for now I am going to address you as puppy.

'Ok Master .'

'Good puppy you're learning fast. I like that about you.'

'So Master we're do I sleep'. I asked generally curious about where I would actually be sleeping.

'You will be sleeping on my bedroom floor right next to my bed. I don't like it when my puppy is to far away from me.' he said looking at me as if he wanted me to understand his reasoning I mean I've heard him some books that it's natural for a pet to sleep on the floor or in a little bed beside the Master's bed but this is just getting a little weird cuz even slave sleep in an actual bed I mean yes it's not even in their Master's room but i need to sleep on the floor in front of his bed what if he kills me by stepping on me that's really the only thing I'm afraid he might do.

'Ok But what if you step on me in the middle of the night.' I asked timely not knowing if it was okay to even ask such a question.

'That's on you puppy. I am not responsible for that. But it shouldn't happen, as I am pretty aware of where my puppy is. Just make sure you stay next to me and we won't have this problem.' something tells me he's starting to worry he might do it now too cuz the way he's looking around on his floor.

'Ok Master.....'

I waited a few seconds before speaking again because I really wanted to change the subject now.

'Master I only read this but don't pets wear collars and have things like walk times and nap times again I only read it'

I've heard so many things about pet Master relationship because it was the rarest of them all but most of them are just thoughts and made up rumors or myths so I want to see if any of it is true to be honest.

'Yes my pet, you will need a collar for when I take you outside for your walks and when you are misbehaving.
As for nap times, those will be determined by me as I can tell when you are becoming rowdy.'

'Ok Master thank you for answering my questions.'

he gave me a small smile before speaking again.
'Good puppy, you're learning quickly. Here's your collar put this on.'

he hands me a baby blue with white polka dot collar it's even got a bell attached to it.

'I have to wear this?'

I question him but still put it on before he even gives me an answer.

'Yes, my pet you are going to wear it. Good job putting the collar on. Now get some sleep, but stay next to me. Don't move or wander off.'

I find a comfortable spot on the floor in front of his bed
'Now go to sleep, we have some training to do later.' he instructed me.
oddly enough I end up falling asleep quite fast after an hour or two later I wake up rubbing my eyes just for him to put my hands away from my eyes I hadn't even realized he was there*

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