You can't just ignore me!

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Jack had seen that. The little blue wispy puff that had escaped from the skinny childs body. The way Danny stiffened before running off.

Jack was absolutely sure of it now, if he hadn't been before. Danny was the reason he was here. He wasn't here just to spread the snow and ice the way he did in most places.

The snow that had started to fall, the frost that blanketed the trees and the grass. That was all Jack. He had thought that he was brought here to do that.

But Danny...Danny was something new and strange. An enigma of sorts that couldn't be explained. Danny just didn't seem to fit in any of the boxes that Jack could think of, so what exactly was he?

Danny gritted his teeth as the infamous lunch lady landed another hit. Usually at a time like this some stupid quip would echo through the halls. But Danny's mind was to preoccupied for puns about meat.

Danny winced as the lunch lady raised a meat covered hand, ready to pummel him. He hadn't even noticed his thermos wasn't tin his possession any more. It must've fallen from his clip on his belt during the frey.

Suddenly the lunch lady was sucked away from Danny.

Tucker proudly capped the lid.

"That's another one for Tuck-o-nator" he said.

Sam helped Danny up after he had changed back.

"Are you ok? You seemed preoccupied"

Danny desperately wanted to tell them. The words were burning on his tongue and he wished the sweet relief of release could be granted but-

"It just- I'm just tired"

-but they didn't see what he saw. They wouldn't understand.

So he had to keep it to himself. Jack had been waiting outside Dany school for an eternity. He had taken the time to make several bouts of snow cover the ground.

When Danny finally walked out of the school, Jack could see bruises hidden beneath his clothing, just barely peaking out. Danny seemed exhausted and maybe a little annoyed too.

Jack sent some snow flakes Danny's way with a flick of his wrist.

Danny yawned as he exited the school only to be confirmed by really well solidified snowflakes that danced in front of him.

Danny reached out to touch one subconsciously. For some reason it seemed to lift him from his slump.

Danny's eyes trailed to where Jack was floating.

Danny walked down the steps, snowflakes in tow.

"Did you make these?" Danny asked gently touching one with his finger tip.

"Yep, winter powers and all that" Jack said.

Danny smiled warmly at the snow all around.

"You know, I used to really hate winter. It was cold and it brought Christmas with it. Something that wasn't my favorite holiday" Danny said. Though he wasn't sure why he had said it.

The snow all around him seemed to make him feel comfortable and safe.

"But now it all feels so nice, I think I'm really starting to love winter"

Jack grinned joyfully.

"Really?! That great!"

Danny nodded, "yeah, it is"

Suddenly Danny's face took on a more sour expression.

"But just because I acknowledge you exist, doesn't mean I'll talk to you or look at you. Or tell anyone about you. So go away" Danny said stubbornly before walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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