Chapter 18 (Part 2)

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"Shut up," hissed a voice that had me sagging back in relief. It had the scream of terror trying to claw its way out of my throat die, and despite the anger it held, its familiarity was unexpectedly soothing.

I didn't fight Silas as he roughly manhandled me, dragged me back, and turned to shove me against a tree. My coat softened the rough bark that dug into my back as he caged me against it and pulled his hand away from my lips.

This close, all I had to focus on was the slip of skin his parted collar revealed as he peered around the tree, looking in the direction I had come from. He quickly pulled his head back and ducked it towards me when the sound of branches cracking and leaves being crushed sounded. His breath mingled with mine as we listened to someone sprint by, unaware of our presence.

Silas didn't move even when the footsteps grew inaudible in the distance. He kept me pinned in place with his body as he tilted his head, listening. He remained like that for several moments, shifting his head to catch any sounds while surveying our surroundings.

When I opened my mouth to suggest we move, he raised his hand to cover my mouth before I could make a sound. Again. My eyes narrowed on him, but he was too busy looking for a threat we should have been moving to put some distance between to catch my frustration and fear.

I released an anxious breath through my nose. My unease was growing with each minute that we remained in place. We were still too close to the edge of the forest. I didn't want to be here when the rest of Rowan's group set out in search.

But it seemed like Silas was waiting for something. It didn't take long to find out what.

The sound of leaves being crushed sounded another approach, this one slower and quieter.

Fear had my muscles tightening as Silas dropped his hand to my hip. His body pressed me further into the tree as the approaching figures' languid steps carried them closer. They weren't in a hurry like the man from earlier.


I couldn't see his face, but I had a feeling it was him. He had been walking in a similar unhurried fashion after the man who had given me chase.

The approaching steps grew louder the closer they got until they stopped on the other side of the tree. Silas's body stilled as his breaths seemed to still be in his chest. If he hadn't pressed so firmly against me, I would have thought he had stopped breathing altogether.

If my men see you, they'll report it and I'll be forced to deal with you.

Rowan's warning repeated in my head, making me go against my pounding heart's demands for more air and slow my breathing until my breaths were nearly as inaudible as Silas's. I didn't want him to deal with me as much as he didn't want to. Nor did I want to risk making a sound in case it wasn't him. Whoever it was had given chase, and despite them not appearing as committed as the other guy, they had still stopped when they found me.

I wasn't so sure I would be walking away this time if they had. Silas either.

Guilt twisted my insides as I looked up at Silas's strained features. His and Hilda's words swirled with Rowan's, reminding me that hiding me was a death sentence. I was dragging him into my problems with my poor decisions. Again. Only this time, there was no one else to blame. Hilda hadn't told me to go after the key. That was all on me. I actively went against Silas to do so. Now, not only wouldn't I be able to help Ash, but I had also brought more trouble to Silas in the process.

Rowan was right, I was trouble. And I didn't want him to deal with me as much as he didn't want to.

Silence stretched to fill the air. Even the forest seemed to have stilled. The only sound I could hear was the thrashing of my heart in my chest.

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