My Best Friend

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In life's grand tapestry
A thread so true
A friend, a confidant
Forever in view
Through thick and thin
In laughter and in strife
You are the one
Who colors my life

In moments of darkness
You are my light
Guiding me through
The endless night
With you by my side
I'll never be alone
In your presence
I've found my home

Through joy and tears
We've shared it all
From the highest peaks
To the deepest fall
In your embrace
I find my strength
A bond so deep
It goes to any length

You lift me up
When I am down
With your bright smile
You erase my frown
In every season
Through every weather
We'll walk this path
Of life together

So here's to you
My dearest friend
A bond that time
Will never rend
In this world
Where so much may end
You are my forever
My best friend

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