Mysteries Revealed

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In twilight's hush
I seek the veiled unknown
Pondering life's riddles
Quandries prone
The stars aloft
In their cosmic dance
Whisper secrets
Hidden in their expanse

Why do whispers linger
In the wind's embrace?
What tales do ancient stones
Long to trace?
A fleeting glance
A passing sigh
Unraveling puzzles
Reaching sky high

In silence, echoes
Of untold stories reside
A symphony of enigmas
Waiting to be untied
The heart's quest
A pursuit with no cease
In the labyrinth of life
Seeking inner peace

Mysteries weave a tapestry
Surreal and vast
Each moment, a question
A die cast
Yet, in this journey
For what's concealed
Life's mysteries in wonder
Are revealed

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