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alexa shouted her friends name that is about to hit by the ball but its already too late

hannah whisper to her help and drag alexa  with her to help their friend

hey are you okay girl?
alexa ask why trying not to laugh

can you freaking stop laughing alexa!
hannah said while helping max to stand up who gpt hitted by a ball...

no worries im fine girls
max resoure her friends after what happen... but she got shock when they saw their friend hannah walking towards the guy who throw the ball earlier


we were now in the middle of the game the team was really in pressure because of the score the other team is really eating the gami now we only have 3 minutes for the 3rd quarter shit urghhh

i shouted to tin and he immedately pass the ball to me i was about to shoot the ball from the three point position when the other player taps the ball as f*ck we were all shock when the ball's fly on someone's face...

i heard a familliar voice shouts the girl name i was about to go back to my position when our teacher call a time out...

rai are you not going to apologize?
tin ask me out of sudden like why would i its not my fault in the first place

why should i?
i ask him but he just smack my head what the...

are you tha...
i wasn't able to finish my words cause someone throw a ball in my head and it hurt as hell...

do have a shame  renzel?
i heard another familliar voice in my back and i know who own it for sure

what's wrong with you hannah?
tin ask hannah i was too bother so i face her but i got scared to what i saw haysttt this girl is really someting.

what? is that how big youre head is that you dont know how to apologize for real?
she ask me aishhh why am i evem scared of this brat.

its not my fault kid.
i said firmly

it yours or not apologize renzel first of all how come its not your fault when your the one who throw that f*cking ball...
she shouts at me now everyones attention is on us i hate this what should i do i turn my back and start thinking after a minute i face hannah again.

okay why am i the only one who's in blame here and could you stop making a  spot light here first of all  its not going to flow on that girls face if he didnt tap the ball rig...
i wasn't able to continue my words again when the girl suddenly drag hannah away from the court

sorry for what happen sorry please excuse us.
she say and drag hannah who is still ranting because of her that brat is really getting into my nerves haysttt.


i was so shock when hannah throw a ball on the head of the basketball captain here in our campus which is renzel its not my first time seeing her like that because she really is a mother to me and to alexa since we were in elem she is our hero everytime but i think what she did is wrong this time

after dragging the both of them out of the gym court i immedately face hannah who is really upset

hey dont look at me like that would you?
i said while she is just looking at me deadly

like what?
hannah said and i think alexa can feel the the aura of hannah

she call me and come in the middle of me and hannah but i didnt answer i just raise my eye brows

ahmm... how many fish did you get
she said while trying so hard not to laugh because of her stupidness

really alexa?
hannah said and roll her eyes omg she is really upset

hey chill im just trying to make you laugh come on hannah let this slide?
alexa ask hannah with a hint of nervousness in her voice

arghh... im so pissed of be thankful that i love you two
hannah answer while giving us a small smile

hi everyone hope you all look forward to this story  just let me know if you want english or tagalog please support this little bunny who is trying to write again loveyou all🐰🖤

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