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Max's POV

the time has come... haha just kidding so today is an exciting day because today is my first day to a university see you SLU

after taking a quick shower max eat her breakfast and immedately go to the university she just walk cause her house is just a miles away from the SLU after a few minutes she already reach the univ she was about to enter when something hit her head that made her fell from the ground.

she shouted and look back to see who throw the ball

the boys who is wearing a jersey react when they saw her fell

next time be careful you guys can hurt anyone if your just going to throw the ball carelessly like that.
she said while fixing her self to and leave them while everyones eyes is on her she felt weird about it but she didnt mind it she does not want her first day to be a disaster so she just walk like nothing happen

ohhh my head hurts i felt a little bit dizzy earlier i was on my way to the garden of SLU and if your wondering why i know it when its im firsttime being here well i ask those student who is keep looking at me earlier  i was about to seat when my phone suddenly rings


alexa shouted on the other line sh*t that hurts my ears

will you stop that habit your going to...
i wasnt able to finish my words when hannah grabbed her phone and suddenly talk...

max where are you were her infront of the SLU?
she ask me while i can still hear alexa talking on the other line haha i think shes alreadt complaining about hannah's action

ohh am at the garden i dont know the main locatiom of this garden cause i just walk and walk earlier until i ask some student that i saw at the hallway.
i answer her question

ohh i think i know where you are wait for us there cause your puppy here is already throwing a tantrums in me hayst...
she said with a sign of irritation on her voice looks like she is bad mood today

okay ill wait here.
i said and she end the call

after ending the call i look around the garden and notice something ohhh i saw a boy who is seating at the next bentch of mine hes wearing a jersey too but i dont know if he is one of those student i just stare her didnt realizing the presence of my two stupid friend.

ohhh so this is the reason why my lovely friend is here.
alexa suddenly speaks that got me shock

ohhh. your already here hehe
i said while trying not to look at them

i see now i think this garden would be your favorite place at this point
hannah said while raising her eye brows playfully

hey stop that what are you both talking about?
i ask them not knowing whats going on

ohh come on max stop pretending would you haysttt we saw you looking at that boy since we got here tskk
she state while rolling her eyes on me aishh her attitude i wanna hit this girl head.

hey i  think you got me wron...
i wasnt able to finish my words again when hannah cutted me for the second time today

i think just continue your chitchat later we only have ten minute to get in our first class.
she said and start pulling us s like she know where to go

after they come out frok the garden max secretly look at the boy who is seating next to their bentch earlier but she got shock when she saw the boy looking at her too.

(fast forward...)

Renzel's POV

after missing my first and second class since its break now i immedately go to the cafeteria to buy something to eat i got tired seating at the garden even if the sunset is not yet coming but i dont know its my first time seeing that girl here may be shes a freshman here in SUN LIGHT UNIVERSITY

after taking my seat at the cafetiria someone shout my name as f*ck and i know who is it

what do you need rohan?
i answer well im not in the mood to talk right now hes with the boys

why didnt you attend our practice cap?
enzo ask me hes a half british and filipino thats why theres so many girl in this univ that is chasing him as hell

yeah couch is really Killjoy earlier when he found out that your not coming.
dustin added that make me look at them in worried i know they have a hard time practicing because of me again.

hayst.. sorry for being a burden guys im just not in moo...
i wasn't able to finish my words when hailey cutted my word but putting a bread in my mouth.

shutup rai your so dramatic lets just eat can we?
this girl is really something well she is our princess she is one of the boys  hailey is the chef of the cheerleading squad in our univ.

thats rude you know that?
i said while eating the bread

your the one that is rude speaking while your mouth is full duah?
what a f*cking attitude aishh i will hit her head if shes not a girl for real.

while renzel's gang is eating max and her friend is now heading the cafetiria but hannah excuses her self while her friend is still buying their food

roham james.
hannah called her brother coldly

ohh your little mother rohan is here
dustin teas her but before he could laugh as hard as he could hannah already hitted her head to that make him stop.

yahhh... whats wrong with you?
her brother ask her

why he started it rohan james.
hannah said while looking at her brother deadly

tskk if you didnt come his not going to tease you hannah.
rohan said while trying to be cool infront of his friend

ohh come on im just going to ask if mom already mention that you need to buy dad's medicine after class.
she said while rolling her eyes at her brother

what why me?
rohan answer

cause its you tskkk
hannah said while walking away from them

buy it im not going to.
he said trying to win over his sister attitude

what ever rohan james
hannah said while faving her hands in the air he really hate her brother when his with them cause rohan is trying to be cool around them because of hailey.

Max's POV

After getting our food i saw hannah talking to a gang that accidentally throw a ball in my head earlier i also see  her brother rohan their may be thats her brothers friend i was about to take my look out them when i suddenly see the guy who is seating in the garden earlier...

hey staring at someone is rude max
alexa tease me again.

stop it would you im going to hit your head if you dont.
i said trying to hit her this girl is really.

hope you all like this chapter were just starting BB's please support this story by voting for it thats all babush🐰 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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