Chapter 5

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Oh, how I wish they didn't.

Standing in front of me, in all their petty glory, was the Royal family. They were known for being very dictatorial. A rumor was that the King's grandfather, King Charles the 7th, killed the resident king for the power of being a ruler. His family has ruled for three generations now. Anyone who dared to defy the King, whether by being apart of a rebel group or trying to personally assassinate him was immediately executed. 

They were so stuck up that their last name was Royal.

King Henry's children were very hit and miss. On one hand, his daughter was the sweetest person I have ever met. She is the same age as Ally, and every smart bachelor in Lera wanted to marry her. On the other, Henry's son was a complete replica of himself.

Colin Charles Royal was the spawn of Satan himself. Conceited, cocky, and flirty, he believes that everyone will fall under his charm with a snap of his fingers.

And everyone does.

Except for me.

One time, Colin asked Ally out. We were very young and stupid (twelve and nine respectively), so Ally said yes. They 'dated' for about a week when Ally found out that she was a bet. I spent the entire night holding her while she cried, and vowed to hate Colin for eternity.

So what the fuck are the Royals doing here?

"Henry, Eleanora! How wonderful of you to come all the way out here!" My Father's mood changed instantly.

What a kiss-ass.

"Lets skip the pleasantries, shall we, James, and get straight to business." He says. He touches the side of the horse he rode here on, then grimaces and wipes his hand on his pants. He clears his throat and turns back to us.

He opens his mouth to speak, but is interrupted by three people galloping into the courtyard. All boys, and all complete opposites of each-other.

The boy on the left had dirty blond hair and amber eyes. Leo Camboloski. Leo is the introvert of the group. He only speaks to people other then the other two if absolutely necessary, but is very territorial of his friends.

The boy on the right had ginger hair and striking blue eyes. Elijah Hampbell. Elijah is the sweetheart of the group. He is very childish, but can sober up very quickly when he needs to.

And last but least, the boy in the middle. Colin Fucking Royal. He had raven hair and deadly green eyes. Colin was dressed in normal clothes, but I still heard Ally sigh beside me. I elbow her and she squeals under her breath.

"Sorry Father, we got a little held up." Colin says, slipping down from his horse. I see his face twist up, and he touches his side.

When he pulls it away, its covered in blood.

Eleanora gasps and rushes up to her son, taking his hand in hers. I roll my eyes and look to Ally, but her face is full of shock and worry. I shake my head in disbelief, and reluctantly turn towards Colin.

He's staring straight at me.

Instead of looking away, I hold his gaze. I will not be submissive anymore. Not to him, not to my Father, not to anyone. He smirks at me, then turns back to look at his Mother.

"Don't worry, Mother. I am fine." He says. I internally groan at the sound of his voice. It is deep and raspy, the kind of voice that every guy wants to have. Its like his morning voice has carried through the day.


"Of course you are." The King starts. His gaze flickered to Colin's bloody hand, and he sighs. "We will get you fixed up when we get back to the castle. For now, though, you must meet you wife." 

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