Chapter 6

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Conceited asshole.

When the group arrives at the castle, there is a horde of servants waiting for us at the front gates. Three of them rush towards me, a blond girl, and two brunette boys. 

"Good evening, Miss Haelynn." The girl speaks, bowing her head. "I am Edith. This is Andre," Edith points to the first brunette boy, with deep brown eyes and dressed in a button down and slacks. "And this is Kai." She points to the second brunette boy, with pale blue eyes and dressed in a stable boys outfit. "We are the three servants assigned to you while living here." Kai takes Starlick's reigns from me, and flashes me a grin.

"Lovely to meet you all," I say politely. Edith nods at me. Andre is looking me over, as if judging the outfit I threw on before I left this morning. 

Kai's still grinning.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Andre clears his throat.

"Well, we best be off to show you your chambers." He says, starting off towards the entrance of the castle. Edith tugs my arm, and I follow. As we walk away from the group, I feel a stare bore relentlessly into my back.

I do not turn around.


"And this is us!" Edith says cheerily. 

After what seemed like hours, we are standing in front of a huge stone door. It was plain grey, nothing special.

Edith heaves them open, and my jaw drops. 

If I thought my room back at the Manor was huge, this was absolutely massive. Straight ahead of me was a hallway. A fountain of a pine tree sat in the middle of the hallway, decorating the otherwise bland space. The floors were intricate marble, and the walls were the finest wood I've ever seen. 

There are two doors on each side of the hallway. A sliding crystal door is at the end. Edith leads me through each room in turn, revealing a games room, dining room, living room and the biggest library I have ever seen. We enter the end room, and I almost faint. 

In the middle of the room, there is a huge bed. It looks like a cloud, with a fluffy white quilt and decorative pillows ranging from white to grey. On one side of the room was a wall of hanging vines. When I walk through them, I see a whole recording setup, with a piano, guitar and drum set as well as a recording microphone that looked insanely expensive. There was even a producing computer there.

When I walk out of the vines, I see a door leading to what I assumed was a ensuite. 

"Guys..." I start, still looking around my room, mesmerized. "This room is amazing! How did you know that I write?" Andre speaks up.

"I looked into your file and saw that you enjoyed writing and producing your own music. So I had Edith create that space for you." I grin toothily.

"Thank you so much! Gosh, if I knew my living quarters would be this extravagant, I would've come so much earlier." I run to my bed and jump onto it. The matress swallows me whole and my body completely relaxes. Andre clears his throat.

"Okay Miss Haelynn. Here is the plan for the rest of the day." I grunt in acknowledgement. He rustles a bit of paper. "At three-thirty, you have a tour of the castle with Edith. That will probably take you two hours at most. After the tour, you have some time to yourself to do whatever. At seven-thirty, you have dinner with the royal family. Be sure to dress appropriately." He finishes there, and just leaves. I stare after him. 

Like that was helpful. And why do they operate in half-hours?

Edith nods at me before exiting the bedroom, giving me some space to unpack. I check the clock on the wall. Three O'clock. That leaves me half an hour to look around and get the feel of my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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