Deep in the forest, far from any human contact, there lives a child named Ryouma Takebayashi(Jaune Arc). He engages in the rather strange hobby of keeping various types of slimes as pets. Furthermore, despite his young age, he has a sturdy physique and good compatibility for magic. All of this is because, having endured much hardship in his previous life, three gods grace Ryouma(Jaune) with a second chance to pursue one goal: savor the wonders of life.
After three years of comfortable solitude pass by, Ryouma(Jaune) meets people that will change his current life forever. When he encounters and helps some soldiers tend to their wounded comrade, the group convinces him to accompany them to visit the nearby town's ducal family. Ryouma(Jaune) agrees and soon embarks on a journey to explore the vast world beyond his home.Jaune Was Killed by A Jealous Weiss As She Hates Him Because He is More Talented and Powerful then Her. But After Killing Jaune his Family Finds out and Proceeds to Wipe out the Entire Schnee Family. As Jaune Was Dead His Soul Met Three Gods. The God of Creation Gain, The God of Life Kufo, The Goddess of Love and Healing Lulutia. The Gods of this World are Friends and Allies with His Mother Aka The Goddess Azathoth. They Reincarnated him into their World of Seilfall and Give him a Brand new life as Ryouma.
In the world where Ryoma was transferred by the Gods, Skills are divided into multiple groups:
By type
Basic Skills:
Battle Skills:
Magic Skills:
Resistance Skills:
Crafting Skills:
Special Skills:
By Level
Level 1 means that someone has learned the basics of that skill.
Level 2 means that someone has become an apprentice.
Level 3 means that someone has pretty much learned the skill.
Level 4 means that the person has proficiency in that skill.
Level 5 means that the person is first-class.
Level 6 and beyond means that the person is an expert or a master.
Name: Ryouma Takebayashi( Jaune Arc)
Age: 11
Gender: MaleAffiliation:
Bamboo Forest Laundry Service
Jamil Household
Adventurer Guild
Merchant Guild
Tamer Guild
Physical Strength
10,486 (Remnant)
962,000 (+600) (R)
Magical Power