After The Defeat of Trihexa, The Girls Start Moving away from Issei. One Day Issei Visits Kuoh University to surprise Rias and Akeno he and Sirzechs was planning a Surprise for rias but when they found her What she did Broke Issei's Heart and Angers Sirzechs as Rias and her Peerage was Cheating on Issei with other Males while having sex in the University. As Sirzechs takes Issei away. As they Arrive in Kuoh Park Issei soon Pukes Blood as Ddraig tells that Issei has the Dragons Fall a Disease that Affects a Dragon when their mates cheat on them making them Die there is two ways to cure it One is to be a Evil Dragon and the Second is to Rid off the Feelings of the Bitches as issei chose the Second Choice. Issei Asks to Leave rias peerage which sirzechs agrees on as Rias Has Disappoint him for the Last Time. As now he will no longer clean up her Mess. Ingvild appears infront of issei along side ravel and Gabriel while also Luciana lucifuge (Sirzechs Daughter and Milicas older sister) And Ophis Confess their Love for Issei and Sirzechs is happy now as Issei was going to be his Son in Law. As Issei Has a wonderful singing Voice which was heard by Ravel he Decides to be a Singer. (Sirzechs is not a Siscon he is Tired of Cleaning up all the Shit Rias cause)
One Year Later after Issei debut as a Singer he becomes one of The world's Best Singer as his Angelic Voice Capture the Hearts of the Audiences. Rias And her peerage Boyfriends cheat on them as they now want to get back their "Issei"(Like hell he will not even the factions will help you).
(Ai no Uta/Love Poem) sung by Issei
ただ愛してる ただ愛してる Just loving you, just loving you
何度でも言うよ 愛している No matter how many times I will say, I love you
ただ愛してる Just loving you
他に言葉を見つけられない I can't find other words
君を愛してる I love you
声を上げて はしゃぐ君の笑顔 Raising voice, your exciting smiling face
ぼくを満たしてゆく Will filled me with satisfaction
真っ直ぐな瞳 みつめてる Look into your honest eyes
眩しくて目を閉じ 抱きしめる Everything just so bright, I have to close my eyes and hold you tight
千の矢に貫かれたとしても Even impaled by thousands arrows(in fact, 千 can also be 閃, which is the title of the original JP game, so in this case, the lyrics can be: Even impaled by arrow of flash)
君の盾になるよ 必ず I will become your shield, I promise
ただ愛してる ただ愛してる Just loving you, just loving you
何度でも言うよ 愛している No matter how many times I will say, I love you
運命だとか わからないけど Without knowing anything about fate
ぼくは見つけた君と ここから From now on, I will accompany with you who found me
新しい軌跡 描くよ Together we will paint a brand new trails
君を愛している I love you
There are good times,
and bad times,