Chapter 2: Bad Mistake

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As I write this note to my parents I think about what will happen. The first thing I think of is what my parents will think of me. I can imagine my parents crying in pain. I'm think of i'm doing this. I'm doing beause i'm always held from the world. I wanna go out and make something of myself. Prove everybody wrong that said I would fail in the game of life. Well this is gonna make me succed in the game of life.

On my way out I grad a cell phone and some food. I know this will them but this is my choice not there's.

Ten in the morning i'm sitting in a subway station. The machine comes on "Sorry we're not able to get to the phone right now please leave a message."

"Hey mom and dad. I'm sorry but I had to do this. Mom please understand that I will be back. Dad please be strong for mom. Love you bye."

When I hang up I wonder if they'll want me back. Will they just tell me to fuck off. Do they think less of me or just hate me. I ponder this thought for a momment.

As the days and weeks go by I finally reach my desstination. I walk up to the desk. The guy has a look of hatred on his face. When i reach the desk the smell of cigerette smoke and cheap alchoool hit me. He has a rugged look on his now i read the name tag, it says Joh, and thats it. He looks like he could use a shower. This is the momment of truth now my knees start to wobble.

" Good after noon sir." I say with a strong look on my face trying to had the nervesness.

His face looks annoyed. " what the hell do you want?!"

I freeze in terror. I don't know what to say. I try to avoid his face but, its easier said then done. I loosen up a little " I.....I want to join the Army." I say wiht a stutter.

He syas with a laugh. " Oh my god. Look... kid I know your type" His laughter stop. " Your one of those sixteen seventeen year old kids who runaway. For what, to prove something to somebody?" He says in a mocking tone. " Kid the best thing for you to do is just go home."

I start to walk off. I turn around and walk back." I need this sir. You don't understand I'm diffrent from everone else ok. I did all this for a reason and its the exact reason you said. I have my heart set on this. All my life I've told everybody I wanna join the army because if I die I wanna die serving my country."

He gave me and awful look. Next thing I know i'm being carried away by two security guards.

As I walk down the road I get this weird feeling that something is gonna happen and it not gonna be good. I hear fottsteps behind me, I look back and see no one " Your just being paranoid Travis" I think to myself. As I walk I don't notice wear i'm going and run into someone. This guy gave me the dirtiest look ever. I get that feeling again.

Next think I know i'm on the ground wiht a broken nose. I don't even try to fight back because it would be waste of my blood and his energy. The blood wont stop coming from my nose so I start to fade out slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2011 ⏰

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