Chapter 1:Worried Parents

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Dear Mom andDad

"By the time you read this I'm long gone. Don't come looking for me me. Before I tell why I ran away I've promised to call you everyday or night. You see I've decided to finally stand up from ymself. Mom I know you're really hurt. I kow you wanted the best for and this is the best. I've decided to join the Army."  Love you Travis

As they both sit there shocked. They both wonder why there sixteen year old would do this. Mom (Sherry) and Dad (charles) are worried sick.Travis has the same worries going through his mind also.

"What if we never see him again?" Sherry says sobbing.

Charles thinks for a momment and he say's " We will I'm going to look for him. Are you wiht me or not!?"

"But........the letter."

"I dont care about the letter Sherry! I care about my son who ran away. You hvae no idea how I feel right now."

They called everybody they know. Hopping that this will help their search. They to search his room but, the only thing they find are memories that make them cry. Thats when Sherry finally decides to join her husband in the search for there son.

The nexy day the whole family and half the neighboorhood showed up at the door. Some cops were with them also. They searched the wholecity and even called the Army base. No one found anything. They searched for six months. The results were horrible. Everyone was very dissapointed. It was a very depressing time for the family. They've posted posters all across town.

As Sherry put up the last poster she say;s upset. " What if we never see him again? What if he's already dead?"'

"Calm down honey we"ll find him. Don't worry I wont stop at anything to find him. We jsut have to think positive thought. He's alive an we'll see him again." Charles said hold his wife. Trying to be strong.

That's when Sherry got a little it of hope back. "Hey Charles when we called the Army base they said they didn't have a Travis Hopkins. That means he didn't join the Army. He's still in this city." Shane said with a glow in her face

They looked at eachother with hope in their eyes and a glow in their face. This was probably the happiest part of there search. Smiles were on their faces bigger then a five year old's at a circus.

They called evryone about the news.Everyone showed up the next morning with the same smiles. They serched another six months and still nothing. By now their son is seventeen and long gone.

"Sherry do we even know why he's gone? I mean did we do something wrong or was it at school?" Charles said wiht a questiong look on his face.

"Honestly I dont know. We both loved him very much. School was never a problem. What was it?" Was her reply.

That very night while they were watching the news they saw that the city put out a watch for him.

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