Words & Action

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Today, I went on a lunch date with Maahir even though I wasn't very interested. My mother had been nagging me about it, so I decided to go anyway. When I arrived at the restaurant, he was already there, using his phone. I approached him and we had our lunch without much conversation. I was lost in my own thoughts during the meal. Afterwards, while walking back to the car, I suddenly twisted my leg and let out a painful hiss. He looked towards me, thought for a moment, and then came towards me "What are you doing?" I asked in shock. "What do you think?" he replied as he bent down. "Please don't tell me you're going to carry me," I asked. He didn't say anything but lifted me up with one arm under my knees and the other under my upper back. As he carried me, I felt his body heat and his breath on my skin. I noticed sweat on his face and realized we were way too close. I didn't know how to react, my breath got caught in my throat.

"Put me down," I quietly mutter. "You able to walk?" He asks. "Nah," I reply, and he keeps carrying me like I weight nothing'. This is the wildest thing I've ever experienced. I try to stay cool, but I can't help wondering if people are staring. I look away, when he stops. I glance around and spot a car parked nearby with a driver waiting inside. Maahir places me in the front seat and straps on a seatbelt. I could do it myself I wanted to say, dammit but my mind is too busy trying to process everything. He shuts the door, and I watch as he talks to the driver for a bit. Next thing I know, he's in the driver's seat and we're headed back home.


I find myself getting distracted from my work because of her. It's becoming a problem that I need to address. Life was simpler before I met her. But now, I can't help but be interested in every little thing she does. Today, we went on a lunch date that her mother had arranged. She seemed a bit lost during our time together. We finished our meal and left the restaurant, and I tried my best not to get too involved in her conversations. As she seemed lost again, I asked, "What's wrong?" She turned to me and replied, "Nothing." I told her" I don't ask twice". "Well, good for you," she retorted. After dropping her off at her place, I headed to the office, but I couldn't focus. She always distracts me. I wondered if she was upset or sick and decided to call and check. It wouldn't reflect well in the media if they found out she was sick, and I didn't care about her. I dialed her number, but she didn't answer. I called again, and this time she picked up.

"Hey!" she speaks. " How's your sprain now?" I asked and she replied, "It's better." I hesitated a bit but then eventually asked "What's wrong? Why were you so lost today?" There's a short pause. "You said you wouldn't ask again." "I know" I replied, "Why are you asking me again then?" she questioned. "Because I can't fucking focus at all. All I can think about is you being upset." I instantly regret those words that rolled of my tongue. I'm just too fucked up right now, I don't even care about what I say or do. She spoke softly, saying, "It's a bit complicated." I responded back immediately, "I love complicated things, please explain." She hesitated a little and then replied in a small voice, "I was just lost in thought, nothing more." I asked, "What were you thinking about? Maybe I can help. Tell me " Why the hell I'm even asking her this. It's because of the deal, Maahi. It must be because of the deal, I tried to convince myself. "Um... It's just that today is the day I lost my pet a few years ago, so I'm kind of missing it," she says nervously. "Oh... I understand. Wanna go for an ice cream treat later?" I suggest, kind of surprised that she can be sensitive too when it comes to a pet. There's a moment of silence before she finally speaks up. "Okay." I nodded "I should get back to work then," I said. "Sure! Bye" And she ends the call. *Sigh*

"I heard you say that she's just a complementary wife, a contract marriage. And you only planned to keep the relationship until the media was satisfied. But now you seem to care. What's going on?" Avi (AVIR MALHOTRA) asked me as soon as I hung up the phone. "I don't care," I replied firmly. "Who are you trying to fool? You or me?" Avi pressed. "I'm not trying to fool anyone," I said, gritting my teeth. "If you have a problem with this, take it up with my dad. He's the one who wanted this marriage." " Oh please! Don't give me that. No one can force you to do anything. You're MAAHIR SINGHANIA, for God's sake. Stop making excuses and just accept it," Avi said, jabbing his finger into my chest. I recoiled slightly, but before things could escalate further, someone knocked on the door. I signaled for them to come in and got back to work, silently telling Avi not to bring up the topic again. I despised romantic love and didn't want any sort of emotional entanglement with Haarika or any other girl. It changed people, and I didn't want to be one of them. Avi sighed and sent me a text message: "Piece of advice and save yourself before it's too late." I glanced at him, then continued working.



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The sole heir of MALHOTRA INDUSTRIES is known to be both approachable and perilous, although he has an attractive physique, he can also be short-tempered. If you happen to rub him the wrong way, he will not think twice about putting an end to you, he has a firm belief in living life to the fullest. He is Maahir's closest confidant, the only one who truly understood him. After his family, he was the only person Maahir trusted completely.


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