Chapter 1

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"The problem with that it makes us weak."

'Huh. I thought you two were best friends.' I looked up from my weirdly addictive novel to see a Greek god looking at me. After clearing my thoughts, I realized it was just asshole Leo, my best friend Cara's brother. I was still picturing one of the main love intrests of my novel in my head. I mean, if you can call the Darkling that.

'What? We are.' I scoffed at Leo.

'Then why are you reading?' He smirked.

'I'm bored. Anyway, this book is too good to stop and listen to people's shitty speeches when they don't even know the bride and groom. I've said my speech, and-' I pointed at the girl on the stage right now- 'That is Brittany, in case you don't remember, Cara's "enemy" from college. The one that stole her work? Cara was forced to invite her. Brittany barely knows her. So, what's it to you asshole? Shouldn't you be preparing for your so-called "amazing" performance you couldn't stop blabbering about yesterday?' I said, rolling my eyes at Leo.

'All right sunshine. I'll leave. But just wait. You'll be amazed.' I scoffed and went back to my book.


After being invested in The Darkling for what seemed like an hour, I heard the name Leo Maxwell being called on stage. I'd skipped the previous performances, but this was something not worth missing. I put down my phone and eyed the stage. Leo came up, now in a dapper suit and tie that seemed to compliment his muscles in a way that made it seem like he had any.

'Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for...The Roofs!' Everyone cheered for Leo's startup band. Me, I half cheered. I had seen his guitar lying around all the time, and I knew he just started a band, but he probably wasn't good.

Oh, how wrong I was.

The second his voice came out, my heart melted. This could not be the Leo Maxwell I knew. No way. His voice was like...I couldn't describe it, but all I knew was that he did no deserve to be playing at weddings. His voice should be treasured. I looked around. The other ladies certainly thought so too. It wasn't an original song (or a song that I knew, for that matter), it seemed to be a mashup. But I loved it. After a while, they took a short break.

When they came back, Leo took the mic and said a few words.

'You know who you are. This one's for you.' The girls went mad. But I could only focus on one thing. The way his eyes pierced mine while saying this.

And he started playing Lover by Taylor Swift.


'Are you sure? Like a 100%?' I was telling Cara about the Leo thing.

'YES! I know he played it for me. He knows its my favourite. And he looked at me!'

'Why do you care so much though? Dont you hate him?' Cara smirked teasingly.

'Whatever...why do you care so much? Isn't it your wedding day?' I said to her. I was pretty sure I heard her mutter 'delulu is the solulu' under her breath. She looked up and giggled.

'What now?' I was pretty used to her random giggle outbursts. She grabbed my arm for support and continued giggling. Her laughter was contagious, so I eventually joined her about one of Edwards misfortunes. Her laughter calmed down after a while, as did mine. Soon, Edward came and snaked an arm around Cara's waist.

'Dance. Me and you. Now.' She blushed so hard as he swooped her to the dance floor as Lover came on.


So much for me forgetting Leo's performance. I walked to the bar, getting a drink to calm myself from Leo's performance, when Leo himself walked up to me.

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