Chapter 18

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The next morning, I woke to the warmth of Leo's arms around me. For a moment, confusion clouded my brain, but the events of last night quickly came back to me. Leo coming to my house all beaten up, the truth about who Klaus really was, and how he might have... impregnated Cara. Now he had to stay here, with me, until we filed a case...and won. Which would be hard, considering the fact Klaus probably had very good lawyers. 

But we had evidence and a witness. All we had to do was talk to her. But first I had to get up. Which was pretty hard, considering the fact Leo's arms were practically keeping me chained to him, and they were also very...solid. 

As I tried to remove myself from Leo's grasp without waking him, he stirred and opened his eyes. His gaze met mine, and I felt myself blush. We woke up in this awkward position where we were tangled up in each other, and I immediately turned red and looked down.

 As I looked back up at him and smiled softly, I felt myself crumble under his gaze. His eyes could make you turn to goo. 

'Morning Sunshine.' Leo mumbled, his voice husky from sleep. As he shifted and got up, I saw his hair was all ruffled up, making me want to run my hands through his hair. (absentmindedly making me want him)

'Morning.' I replied, disentangling myself from his arms awkwardly. He chuckled at our position, and I quickly got off the bed as quickly as possible and rushed into the bathroom without having to see Leo's grinning face again. Or without getting my clothes.

Which, I realized after stepping out of my shower, was a bad idea. (right?)(yeah, it was)

Wrapping as much of myself as I could with my towel, I reluctantly opened the door by a millimeter and saw no one nearby. So I quickly dashed to my cupboard at the other end of the room, took out a dress, and was planning to run back when-

'Sunshine? Breakfast's read- Fuck.' His eyes met mine, and he inhaled sharply. His eyes went up and down my body, raking in the sight of me nearly naked. The look in his eyes made me turn to goo.

'Leo?' His eyes were hazy, still staring at me. 'LEO?' His eyes snapped back to mine, and he blushed.

'Oh. Yeah?'

'You done?' trying to suppress a smile at the sight of Leo's embarrassment.

He nodded quickly, still avoiding eye contact, turned as red as a tomato, and mumbled, "Yeah, I'll be in the kitchen." Leo hastily retreated, leaving me to finish getting ready.

I internally giggled and externally blushed at the fact that Leo was checking me out.


When I wore my dress and did my makeup, I headed to the kitchen where some pancakes and coffee was waiting for me. Leo, busy cleaning the dishes, didn't notice me coming in. When he turned around, he jumped at the sight of...well, me. His eyes automatically went to my legs, back up, and then met mine and blushed. I unsuccessfully tried to suppress a giggle. Leo rolled his eyes and shoved some Nutella in front of me.

'For the pancake.' The tension remained for many more minutes, as I continued to eat.

Leo, attempting to break the awkward silence, cleared his throat. 'So, about last night and Klaus...'

I nodded, all my previous childish demeanor gone. 'We need to talk to Cara. I need to ask her something. And, we need her statement for the case. 

Leo's expression turned serious, but there was a spark of...something I couldn't quite distinguish, in his eyes. 'We'll make him pay for what he did to you, Ash.' I choked on my coffee at the look in his eyes, as a blush spread across my cheeks.

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