New day, same me

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Well, that was a good night. Time for another day. I open my eyes to see that I've woken up inside mom again. Of course I would. She's where I always go to sleep. I make sure to ready myself before opening her from the inside and stepping out and adjusting myself to my standing position, making sure to turn to face my mom again in silent gratitude.

 I make sure to ready myself before opening her from the inside and stepping out and adjusting myself to my standing position, making sure to turn to face my mom again in silent gratitude

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I love my mom. Nobody else could be my mom, after all. The very first time I ever remember waking up was inside her, so she must have been the one who created me, right? It just made sense. I don't understand why she hasn't created any more of me, but already I've stopped trying to understand a lot of stuff a long time ago.

Now then, back to what I always do every single day. I swiftly walk to the wall next to me where this weird thing always lays on the table and insert the same rectangle inside of it before pressing the weird button with a triangle on it. Instantly, a familiar noise enters my ears from all around me. I like that noise, it's a good noise. It's very lively, and along with it come the usual different noises "Jingle" and "Jangle". I don't know why, but this noise energises me. It makes me feel more active and cheerful. It really is a good noise. I remember having stopped a few times in the past  to wonder where this noise came from or how it was created, but the  answer never arrived.

 Attaching the music-making device onto my hip and letting it keep playing the same sound, I stepped out sleeping room to be greeted to the same shiny walls I've always known.

Ever since my mom created me, my life has mostly consisted of living inside these walls and rooms that make up my vault. I don't exactly know why this is called a vault, it's just what my thoughts seem to identify it has. Don't know how or why. But it seemed to stick, so I've gone along with whatever my brain identifies something as. This cosy lair has been my home for a long time ever since I woke up for the very first time, and yet I've never felt better every single day. This is what life is, right? Living inside this vault is what's makes me feel safe, and what my normal life is. It's got everything I need to survive, I can run around inside these rooms as much as I want, and eat as much as I want. 

However, another set of memories of when I came to be took over my head. I didn't even know who I was or what was around me when I had just been created. Most of my next days had consisted of learning how to walk and use my arms properly, then followed along my mind identifying whatever things were in front of me. Mom. Wall. Hall, and so on. But that was a long time ago, if my memory serves me right. I've learnt a lot more since then, and I've already happily accepted that this is what my life was always meant for. This is what my duty for living is: staying inside the vault safely.

Speaking of eating, it was time for my after-wake-up food! Quickly jogging towards my favourite  room full of tables and a platform with a device that gave me cups, along with two small buttons over it. Since I first grew up, I quickly learnt that these two buttons would give me all I needed. If pressed this one, a liquid that my mind had identified as "food" and filled me up when I was hungry would come out of a little tube. And then if I pressed the other one, a liquid that my mind had identified as "water" that filled me up when I was thirsty would come out of the other little type below the button.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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