The Kiss

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Once I had finally gotten Shadow Clone Justu down, I layed on my bed. I looked outside and saw that it was already morning.

"Damn it..." I said as I slowly got back up again. I put on my outfit, the same as yesterday.

I looked in my fridge and saw not alot, but it was good enough. I took an apple and went out the door.

Naruto is drinking that expired milk. I thought, smiling a little. I kept walking and saw Sakura and Ino pushing each other out of the way to get in first.

I quickly ran up next to them. "Hey guys, how are you doing?" I thought holding in laughter.

"Oh Kana. Nice to see you." Sakura said, still pushing against Ino.

"By the way, neither of you will be Sasuke's first kiss. Although, that will most likely be a good thing." I said, still eating my apple.

"What!!!" Ino and Sakura yelled at the same time. I laughed and ran in the school.

I looked around and looked for Naruto who sitting quietly. I walked over to him and touched his shoulder.

"Oh Kana... hey there...." Naruto said as he jumped to face me.

"Hey Naruto... I just was thinking... how many tries have you done this test?" I questioned, even though I already knew everything.

"Three times..." he said slowly. "Ok. Well, I just wanted to say never give up. Because... well... I know you will do it this time." I said, stopping myself from doing the whole quote.

"Do you really think so?" He said, looking at me.

"Yeah...umm... believe it!" I said giving a thumb up, just like what he would do.

"Yeah, I will, believe it!" He replyed, smiling.

Personally, I do not know why people hate him. Even if I did know his story, I would still think he is cool.

I smiled and then walked up to where I was sitting yesterday and saw Hinata.

"Hinata! How are you doing?" I asked sitting down next to the girl. She was doing that thing with her hands again; she is most likely scared.

"Oh hey Kana... I am not doing very well actually..." She said looking down.

"Scared about the test? I was up all night studing for it..." I said, thinking about the night.

"Oh wow. I... I am kind of worried about Naruto-Kun." She said, slightly blushing.

"Yeah me too. Do not worry though, he will pass." I said, winking.

"How can you be sure?" She asked, looking up at me.

"It's... a... a gut feeling..." I say letting an anime sweat mark go down my head. That is so awesome!

"Oh, ok." She said, looking down again.

Then, I looked over and saw Naruto staring down Sasuke and Sakura screaming. I like Sakura but sometimes she can just be a pain.

Then, it happened. That kid pushed Naruto into Sasuke's lips. I was trying so hard to hold in the laughter.

Sakura, Ino, and every other fangirl started screaming and ran towards Naruto. I jumped in to block the hits.

"Hey, Naruto shouldn't be the person you should be mad at. If anything, you should be mad at him." I said, pointing over to the kid who pushed Naruto.

All the fangirls looked over at that kid and started hitting him. Sakura walked up to me.

"Kana, how did you know that? That Sasuke was going to... kiss Naruto?" She asked, hesitating at the last words.

"Oh I didn't know he was going to kiss Naruto. I just knew you were not going to get his first kiss. Sakura, please try to get over him. You do now, later I do not think you will be so hurt." I said slowly, thinking about stupid Sasuke going evil.

"What?" Sakura said, looking so confused. I couldn't really blame her though.

"Nothing." I said. I turned around and sat next to a stuned Hinata. She doesn't get Naruto's first kiss either.

Then, Iruka-Sensei came into the classroom and began to explain the test.

"The test will be... Clone Jutsu." He said as a few people either freaked out or was extremely happy. Naruto was freaking out the most.

First, was someone I didn't know, then it was Ino. Then Shikamaru and then someone else I did not know. Then it was Naruto.

I looked over at Hinata who was completely freaking out. I will have to tell her that he gets it anyways.

He fails and he sits down, looking like he is about to cry. It didn't show that in the anime. Then it was my turn.

I went up and remembered why I stayed up all night. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I yelled.

It was perfect. I made five other perfect clones. I just hope nobody asks me where I got that Jutsu.

I let them vanish and I sat down. Some people did not even care, but some smart people looked stunned.

I know I am going to get some questions after this.


Ugh that chapter was so long! For me at least. Anyways, I hope you guys liked that chapter and the picture! I thought it was perfect! Told you this one would be better. Haha ok, next chapter should come soon! ♡

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