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Cosmo Aelan was the father to the Aelan family, he was one of the lesser Great Houses of Old Valyria

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Cosmo Aelan was the father to the Aelan family, he was one of the lesser Great Houses of Old Valyria. His tale follows the story of the Aelan's.

Aelan had been tempted to drink that morning, yet drinking was deemed unsuitable for a man of his status. He had been in Volos for over a month, hassled with the chaos of endless meetings and arrangements with other Lords he despised.
He arose to the council late that evening, his schedule didn't allow it. Walking in with his head held high, attempting not to catch eye contact with Calas and Valon. Calas was his particular rival.

Calas Kevaesi: Aelan, kind of you to join us, though time doesn't seem to join with you sometimes. Aelan made a shrouding look, before sitting down acknowledging Sario Senti, the highest house in Old Valyria.

Sario Senti: "Aelan, all my noble lords. We can all celebrate, to our empire. The greatest, the most magnificent. The free cities, Ghis, they are all just vessels simply breathing. Well we breath fire.

Valon: "Ghiscarian sellers, crossed the sea disguised as primitive animals in masks, these attackers attacked two sons of Haman Solar."

Desmo: "Although two individuals were attacked, up to the number of seven ships were spotted by onlookers. Claiming the ships, were large-"

Sario: "Skorkydoso zaldrīzo", Sario questioned how it was possible, how they could manage to make their way to Valyria as if it were a common beach.

Desmo: "We don't know, your excellence"

Sario: "Zaldrizes? Hm? I've never seen a Ghiscarian man ride a dragon, or a seller from Volantis. These free cities, derived from animals and dirt."

Sario: "And these two boys, pōja kepa? what is his position?"

Valon: "A farmer, without any account of a dragon or a single piece of Vasmosos."

Aelan frowned, the words of Valon made no sense to him, although Aelan had been named selfish, he promised himself not to ignore the lives of Valyrian blood. "Haman was a loved man, descending from Asmehel Basseini", his words uttered harshly, without a hint of stutter.

The Emporer Saario and the council peered at Aelan.

Valon: "Yet, himself and his family chose to serve by the water, a usual place for these types of occurrences to happen."

Sario: "We cannot waste this space speaking of a man that farms. Eveen!"

Eveen: Eeven lifted his eyes, he seemed a powerful man.

Sario: "You will gain documents from everyone across Soerth on account of these foreign animals"

Eveen: "Krenyikhé, your excellence"

Sario: "Valon, you will order our Valyrian fleet to travel across the Ghiscari sea, with 14 ships. Double the amount they decided to greet us with"

Valon: "And their mission your Grace?"

"Naejot zālagon", The Emperor spoke, ambition in his tone. Meaning "To burn"

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Aelan's family awaited him, his wife Jassera and his two children, Bavon and Hamera. The two were wild, modest though wealthy, all with dragons. His home was lit with candles surrounding the outer stone bridges and polished stone walls, the scent of smoke and aroma flourishing from the outside next to their personal Dragonpit.

"Ñuha jorrāelagon", Aelan spoke, "My love" when approaching his beautiful wife. She was slim and porcelain, her hair long and silver embedded with stone silver, and the slight wrinkles on her face still shined with youth. She grew beautiful even with age.

"Qurdalbar gierí tegenkor issa", Aelan spoke, "court is dreadfully boring", he explained, his eyes drowning in exhaustion.

Jassera: "Kessa! Avenging? Is Sario really is bound to conquer?" Jassera spoke after greeting her husband, she was eager to know, but not eager for bad news.

Aelan: "Avenge, kessa. Conquer, I'm not sure. Though, they will receive what they deserve, in good time."

Jassera: "They shall, how deluded can a civilisation be to attack another that has dragons, do they know us? Do they know what we are capable of". His wife was ambitious, more than him, some utter between the Great Houses as to whether he is truly the man of the house.

Jasser: "It's absurd." The woman continued. "Did you say that you had met a woman from the Free Cities before"

Aelan: "Met."

Jassera: "Ah, Rhēdan. History is history, ñuha jorrāelagon, we shall not speak more of it"

Bavon: "Kepa", his son muttered from across the room, he was strong, tall, his hair short and slick with gold hanging around his shoulders and neck.

Aelan: " *hugs*"

Bavon: "I missed you"

Aelan: *kisses him*, "I hope you've been looking after aōha muña"

Bavon: "I'm afraid I've been left with no choice."

Jassera: "You both take me for a fool, I can fight and have a dragon"

Aelan: "Half the size of mine."

Jassera: "Talk not to me Ginaxeron gets frightened of a sheep"

Aelan: *chuckles*

Aelan: "And where have you been?", Aelan cuddled his girl, she had just turned five.

Aelan: "You shall have the largest dragon in this city"

Bavon: "Don't give her riddles she can't solve"

The small girl gave a look, a look only siblings could understand.

Aelan: "My family, my home, I have so much to tell you."

The whole room went silent, as if they knew something he didn't.

Bavon: "And we have something to tell you"

Aelan: "Oh... Ivestragon nyke", Aelan demanded to hear.

Jassera: "A fortnite ago, we saw a ship with a flag from what we think, is Ghis"

Aelan: "And how does one know this is from Ghis"

Jassera: "Our servant, Camel, informed us"

Aelan: "Then I shall speak with him myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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