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Brian POV

"I love you to Brian, I always will." That same sentence ran in his mind over and over. It was like that conversation with Liv was on repeat. He couldn't stop thinking about her. All she wanted was a companion and kids. But he was too much of a coward to do that. He loved Olivia, he was an idiot to let her go. How could he do something like that. He lost the most valuable thing in his life, the woman of his dreams.

Olivia POV

"Rollins, I need those reports on my desk by tomorrow morning." I said.

"Got it, have a good night Sarge." She answered.

Finally the day was over, and I could finally go home to Noah. I had missed him so much. I hated working long hours, away from him.

I got off the elevator and got into my car. I started driving to my apartment. I stopped at a red light and turned my head. I saw the bistro that Brian and I would go to all the time. I felt a little pain in my heart. I hated feeling this way. I didn't need him in my life, that's what i told myself. But i knew, i needed him more than ever.

I missed him a lot. Even though Noah filled the house with so much joy, sometimes it was just empty. Because Brian wasn't there. Why did he have to leave? Why did he leave me?

After Lewis escaped from prison, i needed him more than ever. And he wasn't there. I needed him next to me, he made me feel safe. Like no one would ever hurt me. In the beginning i hated him for leaving me alone, but then i just missed him so much.

And after getting Noah, i put all my time to be with him. Trying to forget about Brian. I loved Noah with all my heart, i just wished Brian were raising him with me.

When I got home Noah was up with Lucy playing.

"Hey sorry, work ran a little late. Thank you so much for staying with him." I said getting some money out of my pockets and handing it to Lucy.

"No problem. He's the best little boy I've ever taken care of." She grabbed her things and said goodbye to Noah.

"Hey little man. How is my baby boy?" I asked grabbing him and picking him up.

I read him a story while he slowly drifted away into his sleep. I took him to his room and put him down. I slowly walked away from his room when I passed by a picture of Brian and I in our apartment together. He was hugging me and kissing me on the forehead.

"Just forget about it Liv. He's never coming back." I said to myself while walking to my room to get some sleep.

Brian POV

I had just finished a long shift at work and I was tired as hell. I just got home and pulled out a beer from the refrigerator.

I turned on the TV and I sat down on the couch. I rubbed my eyes and turned my head. I saw a picture of me and Liv in our old apartment. Those were the happy days. When we were happy together. I missed her so much. Did she miss me?

(Hi everyone. This is my first Law and Order SVU fanfic. I hope y'all like it. Tell me what you guys think)

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