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Olivia POV

I woke up with the sun in my face and pain in between my legs. Fuck it hurt. I knew that was going to happen. I roll over and see no one there. His clothes are gone. He didn't even leave a note. I'm such an idiot. All he wanted me for was sex. How stupid could I be.

I grab my robe and put it on. I walk out of my room and smell fresh coffee and eggs. I walk into the kitchen and see Brian making breakfast. Noah is sitting in his high chair eating eggs with milk.

"Morning." Says Brian giving me a kiss on the cheek, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Morning?" I felt horrible for thinking so badly about Brian. "Wait, you got Noah to eat? I can barely get him to eat breakfast. How?"

"Oh, well you know, I have that special touch." He came up behind me and got closer. "If you know what I mean." He kissed my neck.

I blushed, starting to think of the night before. I sat down and we ate breakfast together, like a family.

"Shoot, I'm going to be late, I should take a shower. Let me call Lucy to watch Noah, while I shower." I said grabbing the phone.

"No, I can watch him. You go get dressed. I got this.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go."

I walked into the bathroom removing my robe. I got into the shower and let the warm water hit my face. Brian seemed to suprise me more and more. I had no idea he had this amazing side to him. That made me love him even more. Wait, love? Liv what are you doing to yourself? Are you sure your willing to go through this again?

Brian POV

While Liv showered I watched Noah. He was a little energetic baby. We played for a while then I sat him down to watch cartoons. I sat him down next to me. I was going to get up and grab my coffee but Noah grabbed to my finger and wouldn't let go. I felt something, weird. Nice kind of. I looked down at Noah, and I finally realized why Liv wanted a family so badly. This is what if felt to love someone like this.

When she came out she looked stunning, like always. She was wearing a skirt and a silky blouse.

"Thanks so much. Lucy should be here any minute." She grabbed Noah and I went to fix my self up for work.

When I came out Lucy was already here. We said goodbye to Noah and left together.

"Look, can we talk about last night?" She asked.

"Yes, it was absolutely amazing. I've missed you Liv." I said putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, it was. But Brian-"

I kissed her and she smiled."Look Liv, I'm not the kid you met when we first worked together. I'm not going to let you sweep me under the rug again. And I'm not leaving. Liv I have missed you so much. These past months without you have been complete hell.

"Brian I'm glad you feel that way. I don't want to sweep you under the rug either. But I won't put up with games either. So if you want to be apart of my life, that means being apart of Noah's also. You think you can handle that?"

"If it means being with you, I can handle anything." I kissed her again and we went our separate ways to work.

Olivia POV

I went to work with a smile on my face. I'm pretty sure everyone noticed, but I didn't care. Brian was back, he made me feel great. And Noah loves him which makes it even this whole situation better.

A couple hours later Rollins walked in and closed the door behind her. "So what's that all about?"

"What do you mean?" I asked with a smile.

"That big ass grin on your face. I haven't seen that smile in ages.

"Hey I smile."

"You haven't in a while. With all these problems with Noah your always worried and upset. Sooo, what happened?"

Right when I was about to tell her, there was a knock on my door. It was Brian with a bunch of roses in his hand. "Sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to drop these off." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Rollins game me a smirk while getting up. "No problem. I just found out the reason for my Sargeant's huge grin this morning. And I know why. I'll leave you two alone. Just keep it PG ok, there are people out here."

"Go do your work, Georgia Peach." I said, she gave me a face on her way out.

"A huge grin huh." He leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

"She's over exaggerating."

"Ok sure."

"So I was hoping to see you again, maybe tonight."

"I wish, but I'm cooking for Noah tonight. Hopefully he will eat more bites of food."

"I'll come over. I got him to eat this morning, I can probably get him to eat tonight."

"You sure?"

"Of course, that way, we can continue." He said while putting his hand on my thight, slowly going up. He looked at me while putting his fingers higher up. I jumped and he smiled. Going in deeper making me close my eyes, he leaned in and kissed me deeply. "We will definitely continue tonight." He said laughing. "If you can handle it of course."

"Oh I can handle it, can you?" He kissed me again before leaving.

How does he do that? Make me feel weak to the point where I can't handle it anymore. Not only that, he offered to come over to help me with Noah, that means a lot in my book. Maybe there was still enough hope for me and Brian.

(Hey guys sorry for taking so long to publish. I've been busy. Hopefully you guys like this chapter.)

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