The Perfect Ring

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1 Month Later

Olivia POV

Today was my doctor's appointment and I was finally going to know the sex of my baby. I was nervous.

Brian was coming with me and he seemed more nervous than me. He was pacing around and pretty much driving me crazy.

We were called in and I put on the gown and got ready for my doctor to do the ultrasound. She put the cold jelly on my tummy and started looking for the baby.

Brian was holding my hand and his eyes were fixated on the screen.

Then we saw something move.

"There is your baby." Said the doctor.

I smiled and looked over at Brian. He had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes had tears in them.

"Its healthy and everything looks fine. Here's the face and the hands." She said pointing at the screen.

Brian kissed my hand.

"Would you two like to know the sex of the baby?"

"Yes." I said nodding.

"Well, congratulations. You two are having a baby girl!"

I smiled and looked down at my stomach. Brian jumped up and kissed me.

"Hey baby. I can't wait to meet daddy's little girl." Said Brian speaking to my stomach.

I got dressed and we got into the car. I was tired and felt my eyes closing. Brian woke me up when we got home and we went to the apartment. I said hi to Lucy, she was playing patty cake with Noah.

"You should get some more rest." He said while walking me to the bedroom.

"But I need to watch Noah." I argued.

"Don't worry about Noah. How about you rest while I go with Noah to pick something up to eat?"

I nodded in agreement. I was exhausted. "Fine. I don't know why I'm so tired."

"Its apart of the pregnancy. Our baby girl is wearing you out." He laughed.

"Ughh." I groaned while sitting on my bed and laying my head on my pillow.

"Any cravings?"

I thought about it. "Chinese!"

"Then we will be having Chinese." He said kissing my forehead. "Go to sleep."

I shut my eyes and knocked out.

Brian POV

I had to be quick. I told Lucy to go home and I took Noah with me. We got in the car and I drove to the store.

I carried him and looked around. Case after case, ring after ring. Nothing was catching my eye.

I wanted to find the perfect ring. Olivia deserves the perfect ring.

I was ready to give up. Maybe this wasn't the place. Then a sales person came up to me. She looked happy and preppy.

"Hi. Can I help you with something?" She asked.

"Yeah, uh. We're looking for a ring for my girlfriend." I said looking at Noah.

"And let me guess. You can't find the right one yet?"


"Well we have a variety of rings to chose from. But we have a newer addition back here. Come." She said walking behind a counter.. She pulled out some keys and unlocked a box.

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