Visiting an old friend

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During the flashback, time passed by, wolf was now in the past, he said as still thinking about that night.

"Wolf, wolf, wolf?!" He was lost into his thoughts that he didn't hear princess calling for him.


"Uh, what?"

"You ok wolf, you seem off today"

He looks down at his 13 old daughter who was flashing her innocent eyes at him.

He looks down at his 13 old daughter who was flashing her innocent eyes at him

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"Yeah sweetie, just been thinking"

"Well whatever it is, you have been rather distracted lately, all of you, what's going on"

"Oh it's nothing princess"

Then shark came in, he looked worried, "'s time"

He turns to snake and he nodded then they get up, heading to the door.

"Wolf, where are you going?" Princess asked.

"Oh uh...we're going to see an old friend"

"Oh, can I go with you to see this friend"

But they jumped in shocked, snake shook his head at wolf.

"Sorry princess but where were going you can't come with us, it's place kids can't go, we don't want you to get...scared, I need you to stay here with professor marmalade ok

"Who is this friend? And Why don't you want me to meet him? Are you embarrassed of him"

"You can say something like that, anyway you be good and we'll be back ok" wolf kisses her forehead.

After they left, it was a long drive to...

"We're here guys" wolf says.

They arrived to Smith's Grove, rehabilitation facility. For the insane.

Everyone looks at each other worried and as they gulped and went inside.

"It's be awhile since we last him him, huh wolf?" Snake says.

"How long as it been?" Webs asked.

"Years, be prepared for the unexpected guys"

"You know from what I heard, lots of reporters wanted to interview him, can't say I blame theme, he pent the last 40 years
in captivity" webs says.

"And from what I heard, he's never said a word. Not once, not even a mutter" piranha says.

"You think he's still angry with us?" Shark whimpered, "you know...for selling him out"

"I Don't know" wolf says

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"I Don't know" wolf says.

"Of course he's angry with us, we sold him to the looney bin"

"Snake...I didn't think we should tell him about princess"

"WHAT? Are you crazy, form what I hear
This monster..."

"This monster was our friend and he deserves the right to know"

"That's right, he was our friend but he's gone now, to the deep end, do you have any idea what he would do if he knew about princess, I Don't think we should tell him"

"Good afternoon"



"I'm Dr. Ranbir Sartain"

"Great to finally meet you"

"Thank you so much for taking the time to let  us see him again, I know it's been awhile, is he still holding a grudge"

"He won't say"

"We were hoping to have this opportunity
before he's transferred to the new facility. Form what I heard" wolf says.

"Yes, that's right. Glass Hill is far less accommodating. Glass Hill is the pit of hell.
For years, he's been kept here to be studied"

"I suppose the state has lost interest in discovering anything further" webs asked.

"Michael has been my life's obsession. You guys haven't seen him since"

"Since we were teenagers, we stopped seeing him for a reason too"

"I've examined every single case file written on him I was a student of Dr. Loomis before he passed away.And then I lobbied the University of Illinois to be assigned to Michael myself"

"Is there Any progress?" Wolf asked.

"Well, he's been seen by over 50 clinical psychiatrists,and with each, many different opinions. Dr. Loomis was the only oneto see him in the wild.And he concluded he was nothing more than pure evil"

"I don't known how it came to this" wolf says

"Our patients get fresh air, sunshine,
a view, proper exercise, healthy diet"

"It pains me to see him transferred" wolf says when they get taken outside to see other patients chained to a chest board like playground.

"to that less-than-desirable facility. And there he is. He can speak. He just chooses not to"

"He wasn't talked since we left him" wolf stares at him, "I'd love to stand closer to him, if I may, you know try to get him to talk"

"Oh, make no mistake, he's aware. He was watching you as you arrived"

"He was waiting for us?" Webs says.

"Creepy" piranha shutters.

And as wolf takes a deep breath, he walks over but the doctor stops him.

"Perhaps you'd like to tie your left shoelace?
Mr. Tovoli here, the gentleman with the umbrella, has a fixation for such things.
Underestimate no one"


"And now step up to the yellow line. And no further. Do not cross the line under any circumstances"

Wolf felt nervous as his old pal Michael faced backwards, it has been years.

"Michael. Michael.I've got some people
who'd like to meet you. Old friends of yours"

"Hey, Michael"wolf waves nervously.




"I know it's been years and the last time we chat was....when we were 13 and starting middle school but I want you to know something, About that night. About those involved. Do you ever think about them, Michael? Feel guilt about their death? I stole something from the attorney general's office, Michael" he holds up his mask.

"I want you to know something....we'll not criminals anymore, we not bad guys, we retired and became good guys now, and there is another thing you should know....we adopted a daughter"

Patient start whimpering and dogs barking

"Figaro. Figaro!"

"We became good guys because of her, we're proud parents now and I'm not ashamed of that, I never regret taking her in..."

"Say something, Michael. Her name is princess and she is the reason my life is perfect" he pulls out a picture of princess then he slides it over to Michael

"If you would change, you could get out a free and see her, you would see what a sweet and kind girl she is, you could see Michael, it's your choice.....You can feel it, can't you? It's a part of you, Michael"

But the picture flies to his shoe and he continues to stare at it.

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