mental bus crash

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"Cameron. I got you. That was a good one"

"Yes, that was very good"

"Hey, do you have everything for your costume
tomorrow night?"

"Bonnie and Clyde must roll as one, after all"

", I mean,I-I'm more focused on tonight"


"My parents are seeing an old friend and they are bringing their daughter too" she sees princess passing by.

princess and allyson will head to school while the bad guys visit's lorrie's daughter karen and ask about how her life was before she was taken from lorrie

But then outside the window, Allyson sees her grandmother: Lorrie, standing outside her school.

"I...can't accept this" she gave her an envelope of money.

"Use it for whatever your heart desires"

"I'll save it for college, then"

"Fuck college.Go somewhere. Go to Mexico"

"Could you imagine?"

"Yeah, I can. Look, don't worry about your mom"

"She will freak"

"But she'll get over it. Why can't you?"

"The Boogeyman? All this hiding, all this preparation, it was for nothing. I mean, it took priority over your family. It cost you your family"

"If the way I raised your mother means that she hates me......but that she's prepared for the horrors of this world, then...I can live with that"

"Say good-bye to Michael, and get over it"


after that it will be night time and lorrie will get word that michael will be transfored to another institude.

"Dr. Samuel Loomis, January 22, 1979. Do you wish to give a statement regarding your former patient, Michael Myers?"

"My suggestion is termination. Death is the only solution for Michael"

"A2201. Myers, Michael"

"Toes in line. Keep a line"

"There's nothing to be gained from keeping evil alive"

"Hands up!"

"Hands up! Stand up!"


"A shot of sodium thiopental would render him unconscious"


"I'll be with him to make sure his life is extinguished"

As Michael was getting out on the bus, he holds at picture of princess.

"My ear on his chest to hear for myself that his vitals no longer function and immediately incinerate the body. It needs to die It needs to die!"

"It needs to die!"

"Keep moving. Let's go"

"Don't worry, Michael. I'll be by your side"

"Michael Myers is still my patient until he's in
somebody else's care, so I'm seeing my duty
through till the end"

"All right, move out"

Then somewhere at a diner, the bad guys were meeting Karen after so many years to check up on her and her family what she's been up to.

THE BAD GUYS IN: HALLOWEEN Where stories live. Discover now