Darkness Shall Rise

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Miku P.O.V

After the defeat of the Great Devourer, the ninja, Lloyd, Akatsuki, Crystal and I started helping out cleaning and fixing up the city

As I was picking up garbage, my dragon, who I named Ying, hopped onto my shoulder while nuzzling against my cheek

"Ying, I can't play with you right now. I'm picking up garbage" I said and Ying gave me puppy dog eyes "Oh geez, okay. I'll play with you when I'm done"

Ying wagged her dog happily

"Is Ying bothering you?" Lloyd asked as he, Akatsuki, Crystal who was carrying Snowflake in her arms and her dragon Spring in on top of her head

"Not too much. Ying wants to play" I said as I put the garbage in the trashcan

"I don't blame you. Spring wants me to play with her too, so I quickly finished cleaning up" Crystal said

"Woof!" Crystal looked down at her pet

"Don't worry, Snowflake. I'll play with you too" Crystal said as she scratched behind Snowflake's ear and Snowflake let out a happy noise

"I found the kids!" We turned around and saw the ninja heading towards us

"Hey, guys!" I waved at them

"May I ask why you were looking for us?" Crystal asked

"Nya told she found us a real estate lady that'll help us find a roof for over heads" Jay said

"So we better meet up with them and they'll show us the place" Cole said

"Okay. Ying, playtime will have to wait a bit longer" I said

"Same with you, Spring, Snowflake" Crystal said, and we all followed the ninja to the real estate

After we met with the real estate agent, she showed us a run-down place

"This one bedroom, one half bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extra when everything is in arm's reach. Now wait until you see the lightning" The real estate agent lady turned on the light, but the lightbulb died and fell to the ground "Uh... Who needs lights when you have this view? Heh" She opened up the blinds, but the only view we can see is a brick wall

"Uh... Why do I smell old people?" Lloyd asked

"Look, doll, I'm trying to work around the your budget. This is all you can afford" The real estate agent lady said

"Don't be so rude to my brother! He only asked a simple question!" I shouted and she let out a scared yelp

"Uh... This looks... promising. Remember, guys, Sensei told us our main objective is to train Lloyd and the children, not kick our feet up in some swanky suite. If this is all we can afford, this is all we can afford" Cole said

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not rush into any decision. I mean, if it's really all about Lloyd and the kids, don't we need to live some place that'll make training easier?" Jay asked

"Yeah, Jay's right. If we have to get Lloyd ready to save Ninjago from his father, shouldn't he at least have his own room? I'm sure the kids want their own room too" Kai said

"Technically, that does not matter, he only-" Then Kai hits Zane's stomach

"We're only thinking about the children. Ha ha" Jay laughed nervously

"I do have another property that you'll just love" The real estate agent said and she started leading us to another place

After walking, we entered a huge building that looked really fancy. When we entered the elevator, we went to the top floor and we saw the room

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