the gays cant fucking cook

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Dream and Blue loved eachother very much but that does not mean that they're realationship did not have any problems.
It very much did...

Neither could motherfucking cook

Now, Dream found himself in the past tò be pretty decent at it actually, but he was old, he had barely any idea on how to read all the modern texts as they were not the dead scritture the old skeleton was used at, and while he could still read out some basic words, it needed him tò pay much attention and time to uncripring the meaning of a single word and that was not convincente when It came to casual cooking, as It was not very realaxing as It could have been.

Blue on the other hand did not had any idea about how tò cook at all and would often ending up juist setting up the toaster on fire while he wasn't even using the damn toaster.

He was not really aware of how bad he was at cooking, since no one really had the heart to tell him his plates was disgusting, and that the facial expression peaple made while eating his tacos was disgust and not pleasure and amazament as he believed.
Sure, he could have understood that by the fact that he set up on fire most of the foods he mades, that anyone refused to let him cook and rathered do It themselves even tougth lazy as fuck, but hey, no one Is gonna ever hate him for a bit of sillyness,even if it cause somebody tò choke out of disgust.

Since Blue truly despised most kinds of pre-packed food due to It being a lazy answer tò not wanting tò cook,the most comprensibile thing tò do was just asking Ink tò use his creativity magic tò make the food out of no where, but...

Dream just loved tò much tò see his boyfriend in an apron, and he just loved the sweet and happy look he had on his face while cooking the most disgusting thing ever.
And sure.
Dream was going tò have to eat the damn thing.
But he knew it was made for him with love and affection by his lovely boyfriend, and that was enougth...
Along with an entire salt can tò cover the taste, of course,and ignoring the crunch sounds the supposetly soft food made.

So here they are, look at them, cuddling while Blue makes a sandwich for his boyfriend, oh , what a burning love they had for eachother.

Almost as burning as the kitchen in that moment.
And almost as furingly raging as nigthmare staring intensely at the damn gays.

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