Meeting him

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When me and Quinn left, I went to my car, and started to cry, cry very hard. I wish I could've told him first, when I was crying I looked up and saw him. I remember him from my old school, he was my old boyfriend. I got out ad ran up I him and gave him a huge hug! "IM MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" I yelled. "I missed you too rach!" He said, he is so sweet! His name is Trevor. He kissed me passionaly, I was shocked but I kissed back, when we pulled away I saw Finn so angry. Poor poor Finn, we'll he has Brittany, who care! Me and Trevor stare into each other's eyes, "Rachel, I need to tell you something" he said. " I came out here to see if you wanted to go out again" "OF COURSE!!!!" I screamed! He kissed me again, this is what I always wanted.

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