Stood up!

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I was sitting on my bed, let's see what should a wear? I go to my closet I put on my sleeveless baby hot pink dress with my silver heels I on a sliver ring  that says love put my hair in a side pony and curling my bangs and the ends. There was a knock at the door. I open the door, but it wasn't Trevor, it was Finn. "What are you doing here?" "I came for you!" "I have a date with someone else." "I know! I came to get you back." "Finn! You cheated on my and you think I'll take you back like that?" "Please Rachel! I don't know what I was doing with Britney! It was a mistake, I love you with all my heart, I don't know what I would do without you! Please please please take me back!" He said he was about to get on his knees, but I helped him up. "Finn I need to think about! Now leave" he left, 30 minutes later, there's was noting, "he was supposed to come to pick me up at 8:00 it now 10:30!" I thought, I can't believe he stood me up, that's just low!

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