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I had to talk to my brother Jayden now. I had to face him again and I hoped one day I could finally persuade him that his unscrupulous opinions were not true. We were both together watching a movie in which you could see some people robbing a bank. And I heard him say again that he would also do that if he were well paid. For years he had always boasted of being able to do anything for money, adding he had no scruples. I did not know what to think, whether he was saying the truth or he was just a bigmouth, for I knew perfectly well he was a wonderful boy after all. He has always respected me.

I'm Dylan Seymour and at 30 I started to run a bank. I'm 35 now and Jayden is two years younger. When my parents died, he came to live with me. He maintains that money is all he cares about, but he's not prosperous and has had many jobs and for all I know of him, he's been decent in every job he's had. He works at present as a waiter.

Five years ago and wanting to defy his opinions and almost sure he would tell me he wouldn't do it, I asked him whether he would kill a man if they gave him money. I'd try to be careful, Dylan. I won't be easily caught.

There we had to leave it for that day. He was stubborn and I could oppose no more arguments then. But half a year later, I asked him out of the blue.

-Ok, Jayden. You've told me you would kill a man. But what if they offer you money to kill me? Would you say that you would also do it?

-Oh, Dylan, I won't kill you for at least 600.000 euros –he had perceptible tears in his eyes nevertheless.

-Then, I'm done. You know I am gay –I had told him I was gay years ago and I always had his respect for that- and I am rich and work with many rich boys. Now imagine one of my workmates and I fall in love with each other and become a couple. Think now that he suddenly loses his love for me because of something I might have done to him: suppose that I cheat him, for instance. He not only loses his love for me but hates me and his hatred is such that he desires to see me dead. You, bro, are always saying that you are unscrupulous and would do anything for money, and not only before me. You tell everybody your opinions, and have often spoken about them before the boys I know. So that rich man, let's call him Peter, has often heard you. And one day Peter suddenly hires you to kill the man he hates so much, your own brother. All my workmates have a lot of money so that amount will be nothing for them.

-I'm sure that terrible chance will never happen, Dylan, be quiet.

-It could happen, Jayden. And how would you kill me?

-Oh, bro –he was crying his eyes out then-, I don't know but you can be sure you would have a sweet death.

-Can't you see, Jayden, that just imagining you would kill me you are about to have a heart attack?

-I hope I am never tempted with that but I could not lose the chance of earning a fortune. Nevertheless, I'd like that terrible chance never to happen.

We stopped the conversation then but that very evening, he came to the kitchen, crying a lot, and told me.

-Dylan, I could do anything for money, except killing you. I could not kill you for all the gold in the world. So ok, bro, you win. I've been thinking all the afternoon about the chance of killing my brother and I know now that if ever I did such a thing, I could not stand life after that moment. And so you are calmer, I tell you that I am able to do almost anything for money, but I will never kill anybody. Are you happy now?

-Hug me, Jayden. You are better than you suppose.

But he kept his opinions about himself, saying he was an unscrupulous bastard who could do anything for money, short of killing anybody.

So now I return to the movie we were watching. I had my doubts that he could say yes to my new questions.

-So Jayden, you would never work as a bitch, would you?

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