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  No one can cause trouble in Xiangcheng. This kind of large-scale fight has seriously challenged the order management of Xiangcheng.

  Soon, in a bloody situation, Ma Zhixuan's team of 2,000 people and Ma Yongchun's C City administrator were subdued.

  The regiment members who had been beaten and unable to move were carried by the garrison and placed in the open space. The remaining members squatted on the ground with their hands in their hands.

  Ma Zhixuan found this posture very humiliating. He stood up with his hands on his head and shouted loudly,

  "You Xiangcheng garrison are looking down on human life."

  Before he could finish his words, a garrison took t AK47 and use it to smashed Ma Zhixuan's face.

  Knocked him to the ground, his nose and mouth covered with blood.


  Ma Yongchun held his head, squatted on the ground and shouted. He felt distressed, worried and panicked. He said to the Xiangcheng garrison who came over, "I am the commander of the management of City C. "

  In the same way, before he finished speaking, the garrison came over with a rifle butt, hitting Ma Yongchun until his face was covered in blood.

  At this time, the rules of the garrison are made of iron. If you are told to hold your head, hold your head, if you are told to squat, then squat down, and if you are told to be quiet, be quiet!

  There is no other excuse.

  Then he began to clean up the scene. Cao Feng asked the women to take their children and leave first. All the men who were fighting had to register their ID cards. From today on, they were not allowed to enter Xiangcheng again.

  The processing is rough and simple.

  The survivors who originally took refuge with Ma Zhixuan came just for Ma Zhixuan's supplies. What kind of centripetal force could they have?

  Who can a person like Ma Zhixuan give centripetal force?

  He was just a team leader who didn't even have the ability to control the field, so this 2,000-man team was dispersed by the garrison with a slight knock.

  Before being sent out of the team, female team members with children are allowed to take away personal belongings.

  Qin's mother squatted next to Ma Zhixuan, held her head and whispered,

  "Those stinky bitches are taking our supplies."

  She said it in a wronged and distressed way.

  Ma Zhixuan looked up and sure enough, some female league members holding and carrying their children were crazily stuffing semi-finished pickled fish, oranges, grapefruits and apples into their backpacks.

  There were also female team members who took out mechanical pencils, badminton rackets, synchronized copybooks and other items from huge packages. They took them out and threw them away.

  Finally, under the urging of the garrison, they left the open space with their heavy burdens and went about their own lives.

  Ma Zhixuan was not convinced, but he did not dare to say anything.

  He could only cover his bleeding nose and eyes, and kept glancing at Ma Yongchun.

  At this time, as the elder brother, he should think of a solution. After all, his team members were dismissed like this. In this open space, there are still 2,000 trucks of supplies and 300,000 portions of semi-finished pickled fish.

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