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  Hua Mi did not sympathize with He Xinghui.

  She understands that the world wasn't necessarily a good place even before it lost order.

  He Xinghui said that she has been following Brother Fan since she was a teenager. With Brother Fan's behavior, there is no need to guess what He Xinghui suffered.

  He Xinghui has been nurtured to death. Letting He Xinghui go is actually planting a time bomb.

  Hua Mi couldn't guarantee that in the future when etiquette and views were getting worse and worse, He Xinghui wouldn't do anything more harmful.

  In the last days of the last life, there were many women like He Xinghui.

  Some will directly evolve from victims to executioners, and they have also been forced by men to do those things.

  Then in turn, they help men force other women to do those things.

  Hua Mi has seen too much.

  But Hua Mi didn't kill He Xinghui either.

  Under He Xinghui's shocked eyes, Hua Mi put her hand into Gong Yi's.

  Shi Caixia hurriedly cleared away the pickled fish on the table and the uneaten chocolate cake.

  Together with the garrison who came to meet them, she took away all the food and drink.

  Of course, the tables and chairs were not spared either.

  The group walked cleanly.

  He Xinghui, whose bones ached all over, was left in a huge warehouse filled with supplies.

  He Xinghui thought that maybe the garrison had finally been defeated, so they withdrew in time, without even having time to take away the warehouse full of supplies.

  She was even feeling a little smug.

  Even if Zhou Cheng was not confused by her, the big-bellied woman saw through her disguise ferociously.

  It doesn't matter, just look at the results when things happen.

  As a result, He Xinghui still got a warehouse full of supplies.

  She don't know how long she had been lying on the dark and cold floor of the material warehouse, but He Xinghui's whole body was stiff with coldness.

  Maybe she doesn't have much time to live.

  Maybe Brother Fan arrived in time, and since she was so capable, he would find a doctor to save her.

  In this way, she will continue to work for Brother Fan in the future and continue to trap and kill those lone garrison soldiers.

  So after all, she is still of some use.

  There is no woman in Brother Fan's hands who can achieve her level of success.

  None of them had as many garrisons as she did.

  They not only killed several garrison guards in City C, but also trapped and killed many garrison guards and policemen in City G when they arrived at City C from other places.

  He Xinghui and her sisters became more and more comfortable with this trap.

  Those garrisons are almost always accurate.

  They are always stupid enough to fall for the trap, and when they encounter a weak woman asking for help, they step forward full of responsibility to save her.

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